
yep all got the axe car immediately gone and with 1 month severance no matter how manyYears you were here! Heath insurance ends this month! Severance will be dec 15-Jan 15. Not the industry standard at all.

It’s unfortunate that the same people who ran this company are still there. Ron and his cronies. Terry didn’t do this on his own. Their decisions have effected good reps and their families while they just sit at their house and collect a big checks. Unbelievable

Layoffs are always at the end of the year... Amgen is having a big one next week, GSK and AZ both just had one. They don't care about x amount of selling days in the year. This must be your 1st pharma gig.

All 10 from Women's Health all but one manager has reps on call and all rankings are decent not bottom and all have been successful with glyderm? But why layoff with 15 Selling days left in Q4?

Layoffs are always at the end of the year... Amgen is having a big one next week, GSK and AZ both just had one. They don't care about x amount of selling days in the year. This must be your 1st pharma gig.

It’s amazing that was your response to the above message. Obviously this is not your first “Pharma Gig”! This company is being ran by people who would never make it in Big Pharma but they expect those type of outcomes. Hopefully with the new move, with SH at the head, He will move this company back to a sales organization seeing that he is the only person that actually started from the ground floor. The others are just living on the beach and other places not really knowing what’s really going on in the field. At least you can ask the people in the field or try and find out the temperature of the people who are the grind. How about stop having all these meetings and have meetings with your sales force. TH was your boy and now he was terrible. Didn’t he hire all of you. He gave you all a chance. JN was responsible for keeping things in order and you let her go. Who is going to do the training? CC was the best trainer we had and knew all of the products. He was in the field, he was a manager and a trainer. You almost let BC get away but the family had to step in. You have managers out there that are loyal to the company and there reps but you show them no respect. You try and threaten the managers with, there jobs by saying you don’t like it, go some where else. How is that how you run a family own business? My two cents!

There will be more layoffs, all products coverage is getting worse. Managed care is not reimbursing even close to what they use too, the co-pay pharmacy program is a joke. Trying to move to a buy & Bill style with certain products, no money and too mich debt to get loans to buy a decent product. Glyderm is a dog. Doesn’t make enough revenue to even cover part of the cost of the department. The only hope is if they can get a decent product through co-promoting. Time to watch out for yourself and update your resume. The upper management has run this company into the ground with horrible acquisitions (2-cough cold, Plexion) from the same consultant company. All products were on a decline when we bought. Brilliant. How could the family not be invoked and let upper management ruin a company with a great history. Now Mission is struggle to stay a float