Where do you think we got the money to buy Celsius and to outfit the new lab here?
We borrowed money and now the interest on the loans is eating us up; it is just like at home, if you don't pay the loan then you can't keep your house. Pack your bags we will be living in our cars until those get repossessed
FDL and manufacturing are the future, don't you remember that Pat said we are a contract manufacturing organization (CMO).
That 10 pounds of s*&t in FDL is all we have to differentiate ourselves from all of the other labs.
Management will keep shining that turd until they can sell AAI or find another company to run into the ground. Either way we are screwed; just like the last two times. Thanks Fred, Ludo and Pat.
We are looking for a Director in Chemical Development in Wisconsin.
PM (aka Psycho Surfer) is considering it seriously for himself.
Yes, he thinks that he can think too (besides frothing).
You need to act quickly.