Layoffs tomorrow

well a number of reps were let go in the southeast. going to be east vs west with jim and don heading the areas. not sure how many mgrs left. guessing that they will be going to a top decile call file so territories will get a bit larger

No detail on separation pkg was given, except to say it will be there Thursday with details. Lets hope it is decent given the present work environment and getting a new job. We were taken off email very early this morning-so you might reach out to your team members and let them know that

I cant believe how fucking BULLISH I am on PTX. My husband just got fired because of the looming buyout. PTX is basically just a bull in sheeps clothing, cute pricing, etc. We were given folder full of stock options for the buyout, China is a huge player in the global role, expect iPhone prices to drop because of this. Manufacturing will surge in the coming weeks after the official announcement of the PTX buyout. This will lend itself to be a bullish market for 4-6 weeks followed by a huge uptick in bear activity. Dont get caught with your pants down, lot of people are going to be caught in the flood. Sorry for any mistakes in the post, just crying while typing this sorry. Be careful out there!!!

To the poster asking for email to be posted. You are a dumbass. This thread was only made to fool you stupid Stocktwit investors that only care about yourselves. Get lost

Got my severance in the mail today. What a fall from grace this company has seen over the last 2 years. The current management idiots have absolutely buried this company. This is exactly what happens when you take money out of the pockets of the people who produce TRx and let Big Pharma, egotistical Merck jerk offs run a small PROFITABLE pharma company with great, motivated reps. Karma will catch up...

This thread is smoke and mirrors. No layoffs due to buyout. No buyout has layoffs as a condition. New co does the layoffs, what if the sale falls thru? If there were indeed layoffs Sedor is trying to turn the co around. Costs are out of control at Pernix. They should fire Sanjay while they are at it. He is a worthless pile of cown dong.