Don't you know - You can't grow grey at J&J. Our team was devastated and most were male, white, and over 50. Getting rid of people before they build their pension or qualify for retiree medical is a real money saver! Bumping up the DEI metrics at the same time is just a win-win! Don't kid yourself, getting 'exceeds expectations' or LTI awards does not matter. Everyone is just a line on a spreadsheet with numbers that add up to a score based on DEI considerations and how much your termination saves the company. I walked by several desks occupied by people who received 'partially meets' on my way out. Get a high enough score and you win a meeting with HR and a severance. You sign a document that says you won't sue or else you don't get any severance (which includes your family's insurance). Don't forget to admire the big Credo sign on your way out. No matter how long you worked there, or how much you liked your job, or how much you delivered, or how high a rating you got (every year), or how much your manager liked you - the company doesn't care about you at all. You are a number and you are disposable. I have seen a lot of stuff in my career, but nothing like the cold hearted bone job J&J did on a lot of loyal and dedicated employees.