layoffs in January

what severance? they are looking to get rid of 80% of the scientists they have in the next two out for layoffs in towards the end of jan on during the first quarterly report announcement

Sorry, Mr Scientist, but without a salesforce, your talent brings home no revenue. Now, quit complaining and get out there and develop another copycat med.

That would be "Dr. Scientist" to you, you community college associate degree moron.... Oh, wait... that would be more degrees than our new CEO-to-be, Little Rickie, actually HAS....

That would be "Dr. Scientist" to you, you community college associate degree moron.... Oh, wait... that would be more degrees than our new CEO-to-be, Little Rickie, actually HAS....

Oh, sorry, "Doctor." Must be tough coming up with a way to keep repackaging the same old molecules over and over. At least, until the company figures out it can do R & D in Asia at a much lower cost than your inflated salary.

That would be "Dr. Scientist" to you, you community college associate degree moron.... Oh, wait... that would be more degrees than our new CEO-to-be, Little Rickie, actually HAS....

It amazes me how immature many of our sales reps are today. Please act like responsible adults and you will be surprised by your future success. You know longer reside in a fraternity house. Grow up and enjoy being responsible!!

It amazes me how immature many of our sales reps are today. Please act like responsible adults and you will be surprised by your future success. You know longer reside in a fraternity house. Grow up and enjoy being responsible!!

You mean "Be responsible" like as in being responsible for the good name of Abbott and supporting the leadership? In the same way they have rewarded the employees that have given them so much over several years and decades? It's not about leadership, it's about politics at Abbott, and that's why the slide in growth has occurred. The only growth has been through Humira (acquired through Knoll) and through other acquisitions... KOS (just about milked that deadbeat whinning horse to death) and Solvay (the "aren't we special" and "keep us safe, Jim Hyne!" crybabies). People like MS ("sleeping with the ceo") and DP ("it's all about me") destroyed PPD.

Layoffs (look at everybody else) happen mostly end of 2nd and 4th Quarters for every company..if they come, we'll be the last to know, why should company tell us in advance..Have a great New Year.

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