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Layoffs Hospital


Hey kids, if you're really talented, your peers in your market know you're talented so you are likely being recruited constantly...if you're not being recruited constantly, your game is likely weak and one would be a worry wart....not sure why anyone would pick on Meg...in this industry, she's laid back and relaxed compared to the typical hard charging commercial leaders....she should probably turn the dial up if she has any fuel left in the tank...happy holidays

Hey kids, if you're the one asking about who's going to get "down sized" from a Fortune 500 company's sales team, you should 1. probably be be calling your head hunters in between Netflix episodes 2. reach out to the BOD and suggest that the CEO take a massive pay cut since they are the lowest ROI vs comp in the company. Be sure to explain how the extra money saved can create shareholder value.

Hey kids this Covid thing has forever created monumental change in this and many industries. Prepare for and embrace the change. Many will be forced to reinvent themselves and their careers. Think of yourself as a stock, you're either increasing or decreasing in value at any time and the bet is based on present and future value. Take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you would be a buyer of you and at what price. That's how the world sizes you up. Happy hunting.

Hey kids this Covid thing has forever created monumental change in this and many industries. Prepare for and embrace the change. Many will be forced to reinvent themselves and their careers. Think of yourself as a stock, you're either increasing or decreasing in value at any time and the bet is based on present and future value. Take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you would be a buyer of you and at what price. That's how the world sizes you up. Happy hunting.


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