Layoffs Have Begun

This. It absolutely has to do with race and it happens all the time in tech.

Once Indians make their way into management and have power over hiring, culturally they do tend to favor other Indians as a consequence of their family-centric culture and a general human inclination towards alikeness bias.

It’s just easier for them to get away with the tribe mentality because they can cloak it as diversity. And it’s not necessarily just Indians, basically anyone in mgmt who isn’t straight and white can get away with doing this. Indians are just less subtle about it because they especially don’t really seem to see nepotism as a bad thing.

There are ENTIRE IT departments at Merck that are nothing but Indian. Meanwhile the company is continually lecturing everyone about white racism.

Merck wants to outsource even more IT to India and that includes specialized stuff.

There are ENTIRE IT departments at Merck that are nothing but Indian. Meanwhile the company is continually lecturing everyone about white racism.

Merck wants to outsource even more IT to India and that includes specialized stuff.

Oh im so sorry for you. Spoken like the typical middle aged white male who believes they’ve been discriminated on.

get real

I have heard that some groups in reg affairs have received “targets”, meaning reduction in FTEs. It’s been happening across MRL in smaller numbers, done quietly
This. Reg affairs has been quietly hit already, starting in Jan/Feb in very small numbers. I think they’re slowly hitting groups in number small enough to avoid a WARN. So far, they seem to have targeted employees that don’t support product work. But not sure how long that can last.

They have already hit regulatory and quality in MRL and MMD. They are coming back for round two.

In the meeting they said there will be rolling layoffs for the foreseeable future.

More coming in next few weeks, MRL
On-going for the past year…As opposed to the larger announced layoffs we see from other major pharma like BMS and Pfizer, Merck taking a more stealthy approach, doing it in smaller numbers across various departments. Most not even announced, done under the cloak of “reorganizations”