Layoffs coming Q1 2025

Yes, this company really sux. More worried about protecting the J&J reputation. Employees are being f****d. Worst company on earth. Complete turnaround from 20 years ago. Just awful.

Yes, this company really sux. More worried about protecting the J&J reputation. Employees are being f****d. Worst company on earth. Complete turnaround from 20 years ago. Just awful.
remember when J&J only keep business that are #1 or #2 market leader??? it seems J&J is going the way of Tyco... remember them

remember when J&J only keep business that are #1 or #2 market leader??? it seems J&J is going the way of Tyco... remember them
J&J is a holding company - inorganic growth vs. organic. Meaning, JNJ simply buy outside assets (good and bad), use them through their lifecycle and then dispose to buy new outside assets. They are lucky to make a good purchase decision that will be a #1 or #2, but more often than not, it is fools gold. In medtech, it appears that Abiomed and Shockwave are very good purchases. The true value of JNJ is brand and a commercial operation that can be leveraged for smaller to mid size companies that don't have the funding or the capability to fully expand their products and services like JNJ is capable. The problem that I see from all the recent outside purchases, is that their credit rating is starting to come into question due to all the debt that they are racking up. As such, their capital "powder" is running dry to make more acquisitions as their stock suffers (which hurts stock transaction purchases) and backs them into a corner (or limits) on new opportunities. In this company, it is better to be an attorney, sales (depending on segment) rather than R&D.

Yes. Rumors also about next round in EMEA. The 2025 round will probably be less a peak and more ongoing layoffs in several functions during full 2025. Like this complicated mass dismissal processes can be avoided.
Many functions in the EU part of EMEA are useless. They are not worth what they cost J&J. Many weeks of vacations and holidays.

Many functions in the EU part of EMEA are useless. They are not worth what they cost J&J. Many weeks of vacations and holidays.
Amen Brother and Sister on this post. All very highly paid robot bureaucrats. No thought, no innovation, no personality. Just coffee breaks, Three month Summers off, lots of bank holidays, and lots of wasted $$$. Very Wasteful. Do something JD.

Yes, the fun will continue in Q1 then resume in Q3. Same pattern every year now. Sad but true. Some targeted and some collateral damage due to legal requirements. Age and level must be “balanced” in layoff “groups.” That’s why the actual anonymous age and level info (list) is included in the individual severance letters. This is well-documented. Forget about WARN notices, J&J knows how to get around those.

Amen Brother and Sister on this post. All very highly paid robot bureaucrats. No thought, no innovation, no personality. Just coffee breaks, Three month Summers off, lots of bank holidays, and lots of wasted $$$. Very Wasteful. Do something JD.
1000% this...."no thought, no innovation"...."highly paid robot bureaucrats"

SPOT ON!!! And then, whatever J&J buys......they will run it into the ground with kool aid drinking CREEDO douche bags from all sorts of other J&J companies that know ABSOLUTELY nothing of the new product. PEERIOD!!
And yet JnJ revenue last year was $89 billion, with about $50 billion in profits! And the ceo got a huge increase! But a ton of very talented hard workers got let go. The credo is a farce! Let down employees, doctors but most importantly, PATIENTS! Remember them? No JnJ doesn’t remember them, they simply don’t give a crap! Awful, awful people and company!

And yet JnJ revenue last year was $89 billion, with about $50 billion in profits! And the ceo got a huge increase! But a ton of very talented hard workers got let go. The credo is a farce! Let down employees, doctors but most importantly, PATIENTS! Remember them? No JnJ doesn’t remember them, they simply don’t give a crap! Awful, awful people and company!