Layoffs are coming

You are launching a minimally revenue generating product. You will probably spend more money on marking the product then the actual profit it will generate.


Hey JN, stop posting this $hit. Just because you got showed the door doesn’t mean the ship is going down. In fact just the opposite. It’s better because your arrogance isn’t dominating every part of this division. I know you’re board jerking off to pictures of the compliance department. Just get used to playing with mice in a lab the rest of your career. There’s zero chance you’ll lead anything again. Except being the #1 A-hole on the planet.

is this actually happening this week?

After the first quarter you will be termed. The sales are poor. The share of the market is below what was promised before acquisition. We joined a company with a poor strategy. I am holding out to the end for a severance and a continued paycheck If I don’t get bagged.


After the first quarter you will be termed. The sales are poor. The share of the market is below what was promised before acquisition. We joined a company with a poor strategy. I am holding out to the end for a severance and a continued paycheck If I don’t get bagged.

Viatris is planning to make us more efficient and stream lined…..aka massive job cuts
