All I can say is good luck,you will need it! A laid off pharm rep is a dime a dozen and no one wants to hire a lazy drug rep. Just be grateful you got to ride that "gravy train" for so long. There is no easier job with the benefits,company car, and great money that gives you that kind of quality of life hands down! You are about to face the real world and a year or two or five or ten you will always remember how dang good you had it! Sucks to loose that kind of gig especially in this market being a laid off unemployed drug rep. Go back to teaching school or selling copiers and dang you will miss that sweet ass gig you had! I rode that horse for Forest Pharma until I was laid off several years back and can't come close to replacing that sweet ass pharma gig! Those were the days which you will quickly come to the rude awakening of how good you HAD it,past tense! Sucks the whole industry became what it is in goes on but feel for you Fools~