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Layoffs Ahead.


So my home office peeps tell me the downsizing consultants have been coming in over the past 3 weeks. Is it going to be like last time when ZS Assoc's and Aon meet with execs off site to put the RIF plan together?

Any home office peeps able to fill us in? Have the hatchet men been back in the home office or are those just rumors?

"Around first of Nov." - Corporate office staff in mtg. Believe it or don't . . . I couldn't care less. Besides, what harm is there in updating your resume anyway.

I've heard different, my guess is mid summer. My guess is Oct 10th. My hubby feels Oct 24th best day to do it. He's real smart but I hope I get closer. Wish us luck!

"We need everyone in this room and have factored the loss of branded Actos into our staffing plans going forward. There will be no more layoffs". -Doug Cole

"This new joining of forces will allow our sales force to be the size it needs to be to hit the highest frequency for Kapidex to be successful!" - Doug Cole to TAP and Takeda Reps in 2009 at Kapidex launch meeting. 1 year later 1100 reps laid off.

"This new joining of forces will allow our sales force to be the size it needs to be to hit the highest frequency for Kapidex to be successful!" - Doug Cole to TAP and Takeda Reps in 2009 at Kapidex launch meeting. 1 year later 1100 reps laid off.

You do what you need to do to satisfy the share holders and Japan. Sorry folks!

You should have realized little is free or comes without attachments. In this case you're investing in a future that leads to an obvious end. You're gambling for another 5 - 10 years, then what? I know, I know, what else would I do for this amount of money? Ask yourself if you're able to enjoy the conveniences the Takeda provides.


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