Layoffs 2019

Heard that the lowly Energy division had 3 more veteran TMs resign last week, some of the only ones that had any decent success. That division is down to a bunch of newbies, wonder how long until it is sold off or rolled into SE.

Heard that the lowly Energy division had 3 more veteran TMs resign last week, some of the only ones that had any decent success. That division is down to a bunch of newbies, wonder how long until it is sold off or rolled into SE.

nice try - time to let the hate and anger go. you sucked as a sales rep, you were let go now go back to pharma sales and move on.

Not sure if it has been emphasized enough but energy is a big sinking shithole. When almost 50% of your revenue comes from legacy products that are no longer supported by reps, you’re probably fucked. Medtronic should buy energy, fire the sales force, and collect the passive PK cash flow. TB may not be a legitimate instrument in the eyes of most physicians, but it does make one hell of a back scratcher. I’d probably try to unload all the inventory into Ollie’s Bargain outlet. Pick a new target market, because it’s definitely not surgeons!

Not sure if it has been emphasized enough but energy is a big sinking shithole. When almost 50% of your revenue comes from legacy products that are no longer supported by reps, you’re probably fucked. Medtronic should buy energy, fire the sales force, and collect the passive PK cash flow. TB may not be a legitimate instrument in the eyes of most physicians, but it does make one hell of a back scratcher. I’d probably try to unload all the inventory into Ollie’s Bargain outlet. Pick a new target market, because it’s definitely not surgeons!

combining territories and cutting the number of reps.
Olympus is in shambles.
Out with Randy Clark. He does nothing!

No time left. You better have your job pipeline flowing. Why do you think the tenured reps are leaving, if it was that great? They left before their earnings were cut! Got it Cuz?

Well, the 5 tenured reps on my team have not left. In talking with them, they have no plans to do so. So I'm not sure what I should do. They've all been with Olympus 5 years or more...