Layoff-HCV is Over


Tell that to my family. My wife starting looking for a part time job over the weekend. Were you not on the conference call? Oh, you are a troll. Now I understand. Stop playing with our emotions at a time like this.

Please pass this along to your family. "HCV will be around until at least the end of 2014, PERIOD!!!" Now that does not mean that there will not be some strategic territory eliminations along the way (like any other sales force).

So, your wife can go back to baking cookies, for now. Or she can do what she should have done years ago, and go get a damn job!!

Lets face the truth- its been over since the IDEAL study came out. Why we've been kept around this long is a miracle to all of us. best of luck my friends as we try to get into abbott or BI. thats about all that's left.

Lets face the truth- its been over since the IDEAL study came out. Why we've been kept around this long is a miracle to all of us. best of luck my friends as we try to get into abbott or BI. thats about all that's left.

Yep and the so caked "Zalbin" threat and great big Schmerck dooms dayers before triple therapy bought some much needed time and wasted great amounts of time and money, we knew this in Basel, SSF folks too naive to stop it and feed flames

Yep and the so caked "Zalbin" threat and great big Schmerck dooms dayers before triple therapy bought some much needed time and wasted great amounts of time and money, we knew this in Basel, SSF folks too naive to stop it and feed flames

Thanks in advance spell checkers, bet my English is better than your German. Go back to your Ho Ho

Based on everything I've read on here, I'd venture a guess that DC, formerly of the NYC division (hmmm, who could that be??!) is stirring things up here. First he has the audacity to attend the FSM knowing he was giving his notice the next day for Gilead and now he can't stay away from us. If it isn't him, it's another former CS who left, maybe who is rethinking their decision to go to Gilead or Janssen.
That being said, we know what the timeline is, period. What you do with your career in that time is what you can control. A year will go fast and if you haven't made efforts to apply for other positions if if need be, look outside the company in that time, there is no one to blame but yourself. In the next 12 months, it is likely that many in the SLT will make strategic moves so don't count on a lot of support from the powers to be. Enjoy what's left of summer, get the internal and external resume shined up and take charge.

Based on everything I've read on here, I'd venture a guess that DC, formerly of the NYC division (hmmm, who could that be??!) is stirring things up here. First he has the audacity to attend the FSM knowing he was giving his notice the next day for Gilead and now he can't stay away from us. If it isn't him, it's another former CS who left, maybe who is rethinking their decision to go to Gilead or Janssen.
That being said, we know what the timeline is, period. What you do with your career in that time is what you can control. A year will go fast and if you haven't made efforts to apply for other positions if if need be, look outside the company in that time, there is no one to blame but yourself. In the next 12 months, it is likely that many in the SLT will make strategic moves so don't count on a lot of support from the powers to be. Enjoy what's left of summer, get the internal and external resume shined up and take charge.

Thanks Andy- now go blow your husband and leave me alone!

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