I too am an AMRN sales rep. I typically visit message boards and talk about my job. Is it really that strange to think people would do such a thing?
I am also a Physician who went to MIT and Harvard and Yale. I was a surgeon in the Vietnam war and I am still busy running my practice today. Yes, it is true that I am in my 70's and still a very busy surgeon, but that isn't unusual. People wonder where I get all the time to hang out on message boards, but when you are a highly trained sales rep and surgeon/physician, believe me, you are smarter than most and can find the time. I give my scientific and medical opinions all the time. I was also an Engineer in undergraduate so I know all about that too. People really seem to trust me and my opinion on AMRN stock. Funny how I picked AMRN. Such a bland product in the field of medicine . . . . but it has captured my imagination!
A lot of people think I have a bunch of fake Yahoo board names that I use to support myself and to create fake threads and topics in an attempt to persuade somebody . . . anybody to buy and sell AMRN.
How dare they. I am a licensed, trained, certified Surgeon with an Engineering degree from MIT and I went to medical school at Harvord. People who attack me are just phony board trolls trying to bash me and keep me from sharing all my insite and nowlege.
Stick with the Yahoo board doctors friends, we are REAL and are here to help YOU!