
Every year about this time, the same thing happens - the "cardboard box award" - pack up your stuff and they escort you out of the building. The board of directors receive a year end bonus based on EBITA. One of the fastest ways to cut expenses is to cut people, the higher the salary the more expenses are cut. If they are paying you a high commission based on your monthly revenue and you are gone, they do not have to pay that commission to your replacement - IF they replace you. The I.T. department and middle management will be the first to go, then they start hitting sales.

florida is going to have to cutt due to loss of specific contracts and the fact that they just bought another lab which will cause duplication...not to mention the fact that the people responsible for negot the contracts did a poor job and the senior people will cover for him by letting go of the ones making the money who are in fact doing there jobs, tactic comes from a book their leader makes them read- it's all about fear tactics, my manager says they like to intimidate us so we fear our jobs here, prety sad

Many folks are gone or going.
Even managed care folks are getting whacked ... that is funny as MC is one of the 3 points of the strategic plan always touted to wall street.
This happens every August. It's to make some numbers. Expansion throughout the year and then pruning... but it can involve the stars too. Poor management decisions in all really.
Jim Whelan, Karen McFadden, both VP's, and some regional folks are gone.
No one is in market research, marketing, strategic planning, new assay development....
It's a huge company run like a mom and pop lab.

I must admit it's a little sacrey to read the accuracy with these responses,shows there are some intelligent upper folks reading and responding to these comments. There have been some very sad loses with both the corporate and the regions. Great people, and most female. It certainly says something about the culture and perhaps underlying issues within the company. I work as a regional manager and am female and am very concerned with how they treat there people. How long can they get away with it is the question at hand.

You probably should be scared. LCA is a white male good old boy oriented company. This is an attitude that will eventually fail. Diversity in life and the recognition of what diversity brings to all our lives is being recognized on a universal level. The mindset at LCA is very small. Start looking while you are ahead of the curve! LCA values bright, producing femalesonly until such a time as their pay (even though revenue driven & commission based) compares w/the boys! Then they will start witholding your numbers. Good luck!

watch the news carefully over the next few months, enough people are talking behind the scenes and will actually do something about it, in order to protect the little people down the road. They won't be able to get away with it much longer- diversity is critical and the good old boys club is about to be taken down.

Many folks are gone or going.
Even managed care folks are getting whacked ... that is funny as MC is one of the 3 points of the strategic plan always touted to wall street.
This happens every August. It's to make some numbers. Expansion throughout the year and then pruning... but it can involve the stars too. Poor management decisions in all really.
Jim Whelan, Karen McFadden, both VP's, and some regional folks are gone.
No one is in market research, marketing, strategic planning, new assay development....
It's a huge company run like a mom and pop lab.

No-most "mom & pops" are run better than this company!

there are about to be over 150 more in all regions- over value United and now divisions have to cut the highest paid, ones who really did the work and have made the differece-watch out