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Lay-off Solution: Ask For Volunteers With Separation Package


Why not ask for volunteers via the offering of a separation package? NNI might just meet our lay-off number target with a voluntary separation offer. Why force people out who want to stay when there are many at NNI who want to leave? A win-win solution that shows a concern for NNI employees!


There is no reason not to do this. They’re going to offer everyone 2 weeks for a year of service as it is. Why not ask up front with a similar package? Or even - gasp - ratchet it up a little more?

That would be putting people first. We are not that desperate for cash flow.

You people don’t get it. Novo is NOT trying to pay anybody a penny if they don’t have to. They’ve screwed everybody out if Q2 bonus, set up absurd Q3 goals and announced layoffs....they’re not offering anybody a package.

nuts a good idea - they just don’t care

You people don’t get it. Novo is NOT trying to pay anybody a penny if they don’t have to. They’ve screwed everybody out if Q2 bonus, set up absurd Q3 goals and announced layoffs....they’re not offering anybody a package.

nuts a good idea - they just don’t care

The statement above makes me wonder how many asshat DBMs are trying to manage out the reps that may be subject to a layoff. Maybe they will try to hang on as long as possible, but some will say “f” it and move on. You hit the nail on the head when you said Novo is not trying to pay anyone a penny if they don’t have to.

Notice who’s riding and hiding! LOL! V corrected his post but it was too late, I’d already caught him drunk posting. Actually that’s not true. He doesn’t have that excuse. He posts that stupidly while stone cold sober!
Dead Man

I’ve been asked by the delegator himself the Milwaukee DBM to raise my hand on behalf of HIS team to except termination, BEsides Wisconsin is totally closed anyways we just fabricate THE DAYS AWAY.