
come on let's hear something about the case....both are headed out of the country even more....sooner or later the money will be gone overseas and abbott and hospira will head to the bank....

come on let's hear something about the case....both are headed out of the country even more....sooner or later the money will be gone overseas and abbott and hospira will head to the bank....

Begley and Kearney have absconded with the little folks retirement kitties and can now enjoy the pleasure of all the young male prostitutes they like (with a lil help from cialis). Rumor has it C-Begs even hired a personal ball washer to keep his junk shiny.

Oral arguments are online you can listen to them. One judge who is know to be libertarian a women gave our guy a bunch of shit saying that for us to get our Abbott retirement before leaving hospira would be double dipping she obviously has her mind made up and no sense of listening and THEN making decision. Fortunately she was the only one who challenged our guy. Unfortunately most of the judges are Bush appointees Bush the 1st and 2nd. 50-50 at best is my guess. Also have to consider it's Chicago the most corrupt city in the country so the Bushies have probably already got their paychecks from Miles and Chris.

it did seems that way pretty cut and dried all the way through then it seemed like the judge got his check from Miles and the rest is history- we can only hope Miles didn't buy the appeals court too.

Hope this case gets settled soon, seems Hospira is getting sued by a host of companies and the list will be growing.

I am curious who other then the employees are on the list? Chris Begley seemed to have made some dirty deals. I know he really stabbed the flush syringe manufacturer in the back. They fought back by pulling their product from Hospira which had to hurt if only just a little.

15% of cases heard before this court are overturned.

Part of the argument that the original judge used and subsequent to that the defendant's attorney's before this higher court is that it was a successful spinoff in terms of profit and shareholder value.
Interesting to note that the stock price of the company was 10% less, nearly 5 years after the spinoff date ($23 vs 26.50) in Feb 09....a picture (snapshot) is worth a thousands words.
But the case was not litigated then...nice timing.
Rather ordinary job by plaintiff counsel if you listen to oral arguments.

it did seems that way pretty cut and dried all the way through then it seemed like the judge got his check from Miles and the rest is history- we can only hope Miles didn't buy the appeals court too.