
you get nothing $0 nada you slackers should pay abbott and hospira

so you are in the belief that theft, corruption and the lack of integrity should be rewarded but on the other hand the company was built on the backs of the emplyee...this pertains to hospira and abbott along with many other companies as well...the lawsuit is over what was PROMISED, by abbott, to the can thay be considered slackers?

Abbott is litigating to recoup all legal expenses from Hospira employee's, if they prevail the estimated 50 million would come from the Hospira pension fund for all legal costs that it incurred as a result of the class action suit in which Abbott prevailed

Abbott is litigating to recoup all legal expenses from Hospira employee's, if they prevail the estimated 50 million would come from the Hospira pension fund for all legal costs that it incurred as a result of the class action suit in which Abbott prevailed

Abbot might have one that lawsuit, but I thought they appealed it? Screw Abbott as they have been involved in so much illegal shit, as I believe they did screw over a lot of employees over regardless of the flipping outcome.

Abbott is litigating to recoup all legal expenses from Hospira employee's, if they prevail the estimated 50 million would come from the Hospira pension fund for all legal costs that it incurred as a result of the class action suit in which Abbott prevailed

What the .... ??? How stupid do you think people are to believe that Abbott has the power to sue not Hospira, but only the employees of Hospira, only their pension fund.

What stupid ass lawyer wrote this peice of shit. I think its pretty obvious.

You have to give kudos to Hospira and Abbott. They saved hundreds of millions in retirement and retiree healthcare in terms of futures payouts. Reading the other posts on this blog they did this while dipping into the (borrowing at 0%?) monies from the folks that were affected the most, recently repaid that, made millions in stock appreciation, and convinced a judge that this was normal day to day business activity. They sound like graduates of the Jimmy Hoffa Community College in South Chicago.
Too bad our leaders have failed often....gotta go run and finish the Integrity Advantage.