law suit info


The ERISA Class Action Law Suit against Abbott & Hospira Update

The next phase of the trial will be held October 6, 7, and 8th, 2009.
The trial will be held at the following location:
Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse, Room 1703
219 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60604
***Miles White is scheduled to take the stand on Tuesday, October 6, 2009.
Interested parties are encouraged to attend and show your support.
For additional information, visit

Also go to for the latest updates of testimony for the first 2 trial phases.

You can read the details of Chris Begley's testimony and how he tried to worm his way out of signing a document as the CEO of Hospira, and how he thinks that retirees aren't hard workers. He got creamed and I bet he wishes that this document wasn't public.

I hope that all of us who were effected appreciate the efforts made by the plaintiffs; I could not be there but hope that Mile's testimony today sealed the deal for those of us who were Screwed by his immoral behavior! Justice will prevail! Please provide updates, anyone, who was lucky enough to be there.

Miles took the stand and did well as he obviously was coached to the max. He kept insisting he never took retirees into acct it was strictly a business decision based on other things. This will not alter the fact there are tons of written evidence to the contrary. I doubt his appearance did nothing to hinder or help the plaintiffs.
Late that week Kearney got tore apart by the plaintiff attorneys.

Not able to attend court case-any updates on the bench trial? Did Miles actually take the stand? Appreciate any information.

Yes he actually took the stand. Didn't think he would. He had been fed his lines, and didn't really offer much one way or another. Arrogant as hell, though. The documents did contradict his testimony. Freyman, Fussell, and Kearney all got squashed by the plaintiffs attorneys. Especially, Kearney! He was concerned that HE needed to be made "whole" before coming over to Hospira, and got paid $145,000 to make up for the loss of his retiree healthcare. At the same time he was figuring out how to screw the rest of the employees out of theirs. Unbelievable greed with no remorse!

As to the next phase - sometime in late Oct or early Nov the attorneys will make final arguments all witness testimony is over. Then in Dec the Judge will make his decision - maybe the 21st as stated earlier. Should the class win most assuredly Abbott and HSP will appeal. In the past however the appeals court refused to hear them. They have to find something the Judge did wrong which is unlikely since he will be stepping up to the US Court of Appeals in CA. and judges really hate to overturn other judges unless they really screw up.

PS the lead attorney for Hospira looks just like Pee Wee Herman all he needs is a pair of big shoes, a trench coat and a ticket to a porno movie.

ruling came down we are toast
Update April 23, 2010: the Court has issued a decision in this case. You can read it here. The court entered judgment in favor of Abbott and Hospira and against the plaintiffs and class as to each of the claims. We will provide more information regarding a potential appeal in the upcoming days.

Oh My!!

Used to work for Hospira. I feel very sorry for you folks. You really got fucked big time. Welcome to corporate America. You can thank "W" for turning our courts into "fuck" the worker for all our hard work.

When people hide behind their positions in corporate America to do wrong ultimately the buck stops with them. It won't be Hospira or Abbott that ends up with cancer, heart attacks and only heaven knows what other things but it will be them. You reap what you sow.

I have seen my share of lazy Hospira (former Abbott) workers at Lake Forest and other areas and how they worked the system to get by and still do. WOW some were/are horrible. I saw the dead weight and NO project FUEL did not cut it out but that is another story. I know a lot of former Abbott now Hospira workers who are great workers as a disclaimer.

This ruling sucks. The judge will have been right however per the law. These workers worked for a company for years and had the promise of retirement benefits and then take them away near retirement. BUT the company still made the upper management whole.

People have the power. Organize. Boycott. Make it known. Don’t let your family and friends or whoever use Abbott and Hospira products. When you work for a company don’t work for one that outsourcers and or plans to. This corporate plan was seen for years in Hospira actions and still can be seen. This is a generics company with low profit margins. You can make a difference. Smarten up NOW! You have the power!

The judge wasn't right per the law are you a lawyer NO!. The judge reversed himself on everything he had said previously. Something Fishy happened on the way to the bank. The judge said that there were no minutes in any meetings that referenced saving money by eliminating retiree benes. Well Hello!! of course they wouldn't put that in writing it was all done verbally behind closed doors the other info was only a smoke screen which the judge saw through in the beginning then did a 180 in his decision. I smell fish again!. All the top execs got massive bonuses to keep their retirement whole, the judge conveniently forgot all that in the end. Begley lied to us about what would happen to our retirement as the decision had already been made prior to the spin and they were still lying to us in August saying they didn't know what would happen. Can anyone spell fiduciary duty boys and girls.

The lesson learned isn't a new one. Teach your kids to work for themselves. Start their own companies and create something really new.

When is the last time Abbott "invented" anything new.
Bunch of stupid ass kissing putzes.