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Launch "Lunch and Learn" budgets

You are right. Offices will have no respect for someone trying to save money. Physicians are business people and will appreciate someone managing resources with responsibility. They also respect someone that is willing to do a little extra eg pick up food vs pay a delivery charge.

Pharma's bad rap comes from the outrageous spending in the past.

LOL, what a silly comment.

I was just saying, are lunch budget is good if you know how to order. Their are plenty of places that will cut prices to get are business. You can also pick up the food too avoid there delivery fee. That could save you a lots of budget. I really believe their are offices waiting to hear about are new med and they will be so excited they won't care what kinds of food we bring them. Lets go get them!!!!!!!!

Warning, warning OB posting alert

Instructions from leadership were to schedule as many “lunch and learns” for the first three months of launch, especially in March, as you can. Expectation was at least four per week in March!

Email that just came down from leadership gives the sales force a first month “ lunch and learn” budget average of less than $2200.00 per rep.

Keep in mind; we cannot bring in cheap pizza because of the food policy!!!!!!
I will state this again............If leadership cannot get the small things right, how can they launch a potential billion dollar product properly???????

We (the sales force-primary and oncology) have seen and continue to see failure at all levels of management.

20 working days in March, 20 “lunch and learns”….just over $100 per lunch??????


World War II sales strategy endorsed by OB in 2013. Lunch and feed the office cows while we may have 2 minutes with a NP. If the leaders think we need to focus on feeding people via lunch-game over. Is this what access has turned into?