Lantheus Medical Imaging

It appears that shares are down simply because it's a large shareholder, Avista Capital Partners, that's selling a large chunk of its shares. Lantheus Holdings has about 37 million shares outstanding, so this transaction represents about 8% of the outstanding shares. Investors are likely worried that there's some unknown issue that's leading Avista Capital to sell some of its shares.

It's not rocket or nuclear science. Buy low sell high. Follow Avista's lead and probably that of LMI execs that are dumping their eligible bonus shares. Sell sell sell. Take the money and run. Buy back in once it's down again if you dare.

Did this happen? I noticed BD has been "erased" from the LMI website.
Finally a modicum of payback after 10 years of using his authority for vindictive and abusive behavior against anyone he didn't like or feared might out him. It is an embarrassment that someone at his level continually stuck his nose and imposed his will so deep into all layers and areas of the organization he had authority over. He should have spent more time doing his actual job and less time setting up and screwing people. If there is any justice, Karma isn't done with him.