Lance Lopez

Darn chubby two cents on this is simply “If the guy is such a rockstar, why did they let him leave?”. Companies hope and pray to have great managers who can develop winning teams. He’s gone for a reason...

hey y’all...this awesome person is now in the Central Valley of if you’re looking at those spots open in primary care out there, best to not torture yourself

Many folks went to HR, gave exit interviews, contacted Directors, etc to no avail. This went on for a decade or more. Lance is wicked smart, he will never come across as an ass if there are witnesses, he will always be caring, calm and supportive on teleconferences, meetings, emails, etc. It is when he gets you alone in the car that your nightmare will begin.

As others have said, document, record him etc. Good luck to you guys.

Get a dash cam that records audio inside the vehicle. The only reason you can't defend against this prick is no evidence. Get the evidence. End of story. Make sure it is 3 or more instances and that you have specifically asked him to stop his tone, his abuse, etc.

this website is obviously full of interesting threads, but it's rare that there are threads dedicated to specific individuals, and it's never a good thing. I've never met this person, but just based on this discussion (and a conversation I had with two people from Merck), I feel immensely sorry for his new team and for those "ECP"s I'm sure he's hiring. If you're reading this and you work for him, protect yourself.

Good post. I'll never understand why hiring RMs don't pick up the phone and check out these candidates. Not by calling the candidate's references, (duh), but their own area network. Or have the local managers make discreet inquiries. A lot of heartache, lost revenue, and HR problems would be averted. Harder to fire than hire. RMs please do you homework!

all of us are so glad this monster is gone from our company. Good luck to his “team” at Lilly! He’ll boast about helping people “walk across the stage” but really, he did nothing but make us hate our jobs. Good riddance.

Good post. I'll never understand why hiring RMs don't pick up the phone and check out these candidates. Not by calling the candidate's references, (duh), but their own area network. Or have the local managers make discreet inquiries. A lot of heartache, lost revenue, and HR problems would be averted. Harder to fire than hire. RMs please do you homework!

You guys are in for a real treat with this choke artist. You guys would have been better served by recruiting an inmate from the local county jail than this joker.

I do like the thread about placing a camera in the fleet car. I'll take it one step further, wear a body camera like the police. You'll need it working for this dirt bag who has ruined the livelihood of families throughout CA.

Remember, he is no prize. It is well known that Merck DM's have little training or skills and hangout in their roles till they die. They simply approve expenses and ride with reps with zero transferable skills.

Well I'm glad I didn't accept the position. I knew there was something up with this clown. He creeped me out during the interview. He stares and hardly blinks good luck to his team. :eek:

Has he started picking apart everything you do? And I do mean everything, how you stand in an office, what direction you take in the car, what your brought for lunch, how you put samples away, how you organize your stuff...

Get ready...