LabCorp purchases Southeastern Pathology Associates

I know that someone had posted a commit on how our Christmas bonus was cut back last year. We received a Tacky 1in. cut piece of paper that was mailed to us with their reason. Well, with the sale to Lab Corp, most of us had already figured that we would be screwed out of a Christmas bonus this year. This is the email that we received late yesterday.....

"Dear Staff,
Unfortunately, as a direct result of reimbursement cuts and the ongoing uncertainty caused by the Affordable Healthcare Act, we have decided that, for the first time in 21 years of operation, SEPA will not able to provide Christmas bonuses
this year.

Nevertheless we would like to take this opportunity moment to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication throughout 2013

Our sincerest wishes to you and your families for a happy and healthy holiday season.'

Is this not just a piece of CRAP!!

I know that someone had posted a commit on how our Christmas bonus was cut back last year. We received a Tacky 1in. cut piece of paper that was mailed to us with their reason. Well, with the sale to Lab Corp, most of us had already figured that we would be screwed out of a Christmas bonus this year. This is the email that we received late yesterday.....

"Dear Staff,
Unfortunately, as a direct result of reimbursement cuts and the ongoing uncertainty caused by the Affordable Healthcare Act, we have decided that, for the first time in 21 years of operation, SEPA will not able to provide Christmas bonuses
this year.

Nevertheless we would like to take this opportunity moment to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication throughout 2013

Our sincerest wishes to you and your families for a happy and healthy holiday season.'

Is this not just a piece of CRAP!!

Yes, and it is an incredibly condescending insult. Tell them to take their sincerest wishes and stuff them. Sort of like the arrogance of Target, after exposing 40 million people to financial disaster, they say, "we regret any convenience...." and if you come back here and take the risk again, we'll give you a measely 10% discount. Hope they go under.

I know that someone had posted a commit on how our Christmas bonus was cut back last year. We received a Tacky 1in. cut piece of paper that was mailed to us with their reason. Well, with the sale to Lab Corp, most of us had already figured that we would be screwed out of a Christmas bonus this year. This is the email that we received late yesterday.....

"Dear Staff,
Unfortunately, as a direct result of reimbursement cuts and the ongoing uncertainty caused by the Affordable Healthcare Act, we have decided that, for the first time in 21 years of operation, SEPA will not able to provide Christmas bonuses
this year.

Nevertheless we would like to take this opportunity moment to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication throughout 2013

Our sincerest wishes to you and your families for a happy and healthy holiday season.'

Is this not just a piece of CRAP!!

Sounds like cash problems.

You better believe LabCrap is behind this no bonus issue. They own you now and they are making the decisions. Even if you make the cut, the Comp. Plan they put you on is so bad, you will wish they would have let you go. Do yourself a favor, don't help them at all with the transition of SEPA to LabCrap. Once that is done, so are you!

Just remember this post, you can thank me later.

I was dying laughing at this email received this morning at SEPA aka "Seepage". Hilarious!! Who makes up this stuff. We know good and well that SEPA was not paying their bills, paying their employees correctly, and acting shady. Read This Mess Below:

Dear Staff,

Unfortunately, as a direct result of reimbursement cuts and the ongoing uncertainty caused by the Affordable Healthcare Act, we have decided that, for the first time in 21 years of operation, SEPA will not able to provide Christmas bonuses this year.

Nevertheless we would like to take this opportunity moment to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication throughout 2013

Our sincerest wishes to you and your families for a happy and healthy holiday season.

Dr. Patrick Godbey and Dr. Mark Hanly


Brenda Gorman, PHR
Human Resources Manager
SEPA Laboratories
Direct (912)279-1930
FAX (912)261-0753