LabCorp purchases Southeastern Pathology Associates

I seriously doubt that. Show some proof. SEPA is not a good quality lab. They have a couple of LabCorp rejects running the show. R.P. at SEPA is a jerk and can not be trusted. A lot of shady deals have been done by them.

It's true! Announced to the SEPA employees yesterday. SEPA lab is closing, LCA will re-acquire some of the employees at other facilities, but most are jobless by the first of the year. R.P and B.C are MIA...who knows where they will pop up!

All personnel were given the news yesterday, LCA will 'acquire' SEPA's accounts and some employees...I personally was given my 'walking' papers yesterday...BC is a smug a**hole!!!!!

This is not true. SEPA is not closing. SEPA will focus on serving hospitals and continuing to provide great anatomic pathology services. All employees will not lose their jobs.

Then why was I PERSONALLY told by DR. G and BC that SEPA was closing and LC was taking over the accounts??? The few SEPA employees that will remain in AP will be backed by LCA dollars...heard it straight from the horses (owners) mouth on Thursday at tell me and my family that I did not hear that and that YOU will continue to pay me?????!!!!! a**hole

SEPA CANNOT operate without deep pockets backing them...they are already cut off from MANY vendors for not paying their bills!!! They are notorious for running up big Credit bills and then switching vendors. Many companies will not do business with them any longer...they HAD to either sell out or close the doors. It would be shocking if the AP business could survive without LCA backing them. The pathologist bad mouth the tech's and upper management is NEVER to be seen anywhere in the building. This place is a joke, I"m surprised they have not had more lawsuits than the few they have 'wormed' out of!!!!

hahahahaha....providing great AP service is the last thing SEPA does...all they have are a bunch of beotches whining ALL the time...DR. KB & DR. OF are the ring leaders...hopefully SEPA/LCA realizes how much they bring the company down! ALL they do is find FAULT with EVERYTHING!!!! Good Riddance! Welcome LCA!

PLEASE, someone tell me this isn't true. I can't believe we;LCA would purchase SEPA????? That lab is beneath Bostwick in the 'shadiness' of their operation and underhanded deals/personnel
:-((((((((( Im just seeing this I feel sick

Anything Rick P. is involved in will be shady. He is a LabCorp reject, twice. They use to bribe IOP's with a huge sign on bonus. A lot of compliance clean up will need to be done. LCA should have let them to sink by them selves. All they bought is a Titanic that is going down fast.

Anything Rick P. is involved in will be shady. He is a LabCorp reject, twice. They use to bribe IOP's with a huge sign on bonus. A lot of compliance clean up will need to be done. LCA should have let them to sink by them selves. All they bought is a Titanic that is going down fast.

All of you haters need to shut up. If you were all that you think you are, buying troubled labs would be exactly what you want. With all of that experience you have in acquisitions, it would be a piece of cake. Stop whining and get to working on it.

One of our Christmas bonuses had a slip of paper attached blaming the Affordable Healthcare Act for our switch in insurance and possible bonuses declining and other things

The HR Manager fires whom she choose. Two people did the same exact thing and guess which one she fired. Not to mention many have done the same activity and they have not been fired.

The customer service manager who's known as toucan sam hase that beak for a reason. she constantly tells on people about nothing and causes bigger trouble and causing possible terminations.