Labcorp background check

Does labcorp run routine post hire background check for it's staff? How would a post hire DUI hold up for technical lab staffs?

Yes. Most companies make employment offers which are contingent on a successful background check.

However a DUI conviction should not be a show stopper unless driving is an essential part of the job. In general terms, the background check should only be a problem if it somehow relates to the job in question.

Be sure to be honest on any sort of employment application that is filled out. While DUI might not disqualify you. falsification will.
Sorry, I did not fully get the question.

I am not aware of any company that does background checks on existing employees unless you were exploring a new position that might require different credentials. So for example if you were going into a sales position or a courier position that requires a clean driving license, they would check out your MVR to ensure it is clear of major violations.

Don't understand the three year thing?
This is my third year with lab corp as a lab technician. Just worried they do random background check and will find my DUI and it’ll cost me my job.

If it's a felony DUI, license revoked, then it'll be a problem if you decide to leave Labcorp. I could be wrong, but I don't think you are required to report this - unless you were a courier or had a company car (sales rep). At worst, you might be stuck with Labcorp. It might be worth spending a few hundred dollars to get a legal opinion. Good luck.
Don't sweat this.

Never heard of random background checks....maybe if you were in some sensitive government position, but not for a tech at a lab.

Just do a good job.

Also note for whatever it's worth, the issue will have aged three more years by then.
A DUI is not a big deal unless it’s a felony DUI which you would have to disclose on application. They don’t care about a DUI in your past as long as you handled it legally, you’re fine.
Sorry to be clear, I currently am a lab tech. Just worry the DUI will cost me my current job with LabCorp if/when they find out. 3yrs in.

No need to worry. They won’t fire you for that. You don’t drive a company car so you are not a liability for them. I know other employees at LC that have had a DUI. Just don’t get another one. Call an Uber next time you’re drinking. It’s way cheaper than a DUI.