LabCorp and the Ritz Carlton

Well 4 more "Ladies and Gentlemen" of LabCorp hospital group were rewarded for their service with a pink slip. As expected, cash is king and Dave wants to keep his cash. Bolstering the stock with droconian cuts are the norm. Hope they are doin a book report on required reading. Those of you who were RIF'd fear not- you have escaped the human wood chipper.

Still trying to firgure out the reading assigment. How can LabCorp expect a Ritz atmosphere with autocratic leadership. (look it up Burrliewooders). This is right our of Dilbert.

NEWS FLASH- RITZ CARLTON files lawsuit against LabCorp for defamation of branding. They have refused RMBDs, HKAEs and SMEs entrance to their facilities. LH has used the required reading to degrade the Ritz label.

Fmr employee. enjoy coming here and reading the misery and knowing that this $hitbag company will never change. trying to change the culture of a prison. culture won't change until you stop screwing and chiseling your employees at every turn. give that a try.

I couldn't have penned this better. I left the company in 2010 and occasionally drop by here to see if things have changed. Of course they haven't. Once the lawyers took over, the management of the company spiraled downward. Gone are the days of doing what is right for the patient. There are opportunities "out there" and not necessarily in the lab industry. Polish up your resume, network and stop the stress brought on by working for this highly unprofessional company. You'll be glad you did.

LabCorp decided to provide the entire team with a book on the Ritz. What were they thinking? I have read the book and noticed they call their employees Ladies and Gentlemen. What a fresh start for LabCorp. Listening, empowerment and rewards are part of the Ritz program. I suggest as a team member that we all ascribe to these principles. Now LabCorp will you do the same? Hearing the managers F bomb employees lifts one's spirit. Failure to accept fault by passing blame to the KAE is standard protocol. We can only dream that the Ladies and Gentlemen of LabCorp will be allowed to make front line decisions for our customers.

Well the reading assignment accomplished one thing- enlightenment that there are Ritz Carlton companies to work for. In the past month 1 RMBD went to Foundation Medicine (one more soon to follow) 3 repas are now at FM, and several reps are on final interviews. Nice people leaving as ladies and gentlemen to Ritz firms. LH is the place to take your first job in labs. This will make you appreciate your next position even more.