LabCorp and the Ritz Carlton


LabCorp decided to provide the entire team with a book on the Ritz. What were they thinking? I have read the book and noticed they call their employees Ladies and Gentlemen. What a fresh start for LabCorp. Listening, empowerment and rewards are part of the Ritz program. I suggest as a team member that we all ascribe to these principles. Now LabCorp will you do the same? Hearing the managers F bomb employees lifts one's spirit. Failure to accept fault by passing blame to the KAE is standard protocol. We can only dream that the Ladies and Gentlemen of LabCorp will be allowed to make front line decisions for our customers.

Who are you kidding? The cruise ship that just pulled into Mobile had better service and atmosphere. A dive at a truck stop with a wart mouthed partner is a step up. Jim Jones is pouring the Koolaid at the Motel Six. We'll leave the lights on for you!

Still trying to firgure out the reading assigment. How can LabCorp expect a Ritz atmosphere with autocratic leadership. (look it up Burrliewooders). This is right our of Dilbert.

Now LabCorp will you do the same? Hearing the managers F bomb employees lifts one's spirit. Failure to accept fault by passing blame to the KAE is standard protocol. We can only dream that the Ladies and Gentlemen of LabCorp will be allowed to make front line decisions for our customers.

I knew the culture had changed when LC replaced the comprehensive compliance program from our old company with a cartoon presentation full of superheroes and sexist BS. I am NOT usually sensitive by the way... It was just so insulting for any professional to sit through that trash.

I knew the culture had changed when LC replaced the comprehensive compliance program from our old company with a cartoon presentation full of superheroes and sexist BS. I am NOT usually sensitive by the way... It was just so insulting for any professional to sit through that trash.

And they all had southern accents! "The Credible Hulk", how original.

Fmr employee. enjoy coming here and reading the misery and knowing that this $hitbag company will never change. trying to change the culture of a prison. culture won't change until you stop screwing and chiseling your employees at every turn. give that a try.

Fmr employee. enjoy coming here and reading the misery and knowing that this $hitbag company will never change. trying to change the culture of a prison. culture won't change until you stop screwing and chiseling your employees at every turn. give that a try.

No truer words have been spoken... on this thread, at least!

I agree 100% with the poster two above. I too am a former employee of LabCrap. Best thing I ever did was to leave this shit hole. Just took another LabCrap customer today!

Just keep up your lousy reputation, I am enjoying kicking your butt.

Still trying to firgure out the reading assigment. How can LabCorp expect a Ritz atmosphere with autocratic leadership. (look it up Burrliewooders). This is right our of Dilbert.

Had an enjoyable lunch in the Ritz dining room today and asked the waiter how many hours of training he received. 8 week course on guest relations, 4 weeks on communication skills, and preceptership in all departments. That is before they can serve the Ladies and Gentlemen at the RItz Dining room. The doctor loved the lunch. Thought I saw a few RMBDs and DK at a table across the room. KAEs this is the place to take your customers. They will get spoiled on the service. Refreshing change from the PSC they send their patients.

Had an enjoyable lunch in the Ritz dining room today and asked the waiter how many hours of training he received. 8 week course on guest relations, 4 weeks on communication skills, and preceptership in all departments. That is before they can serve the Ladies and Gentlemen at the RItz Dining room. The doctor loved the lunch. Thought I saw a few RMBDs and DK at a table across the room. KAEs this is the place to take your customers. They will get spoiled on the service. Refreshing change from the PSC they send their patients

Like my RMBD would ever approve a lunch at the Ritz

LanCorp serves their Ritz on paper plates

Well Gem Club winners. Get your reading done before heading to God's waiting room in Naples. The Ritz Naples will treat you to true customer service. Sorry you will eat from pre planned meals. The days of Dining on your own are history. Congrats to the warriors who made it.

Well Gem Club winners. Get your reading done before heading to God's waiting room in Naples. The Ritz Naples will treat you to true customer service. Sorry you will eat from pre planned meals. The days of Dining on your own are history. Congrats to the warriors who made it.

Are you kidding.. It's all relative. If your region has a managed care agreement you're in. The rest of who a actually have to work for every nickel that comes in the door will never see Gem Club. That's why you see the same old people go every year. It's really a shame.