

One product that can be added to the Botox portfolio. Kythera reps and mgrs many will be toast. Why do they need them for one product ? Damn what a disaster and it happen so quick.

Actually we may be the ones hurt the worst. They're going to add 70 territories so a good chunk of the kythera people will be in. Some will be out. More territories and even more reps for us to compete against. They'll get some costs savings and hope for revenue synergies.

Actually we may be the ones hurt the worst. They're going to add 70 territories so a good chunk of the kythera people will be in. Some will be out. More territories and even more reps for us to compete against. They'll get some costs savings and hope for revenue synergies.

Where did you hear about 70 new openings sounds like overkill
Why do they need anyone from Kythera it's only 1 product. They have 1000's at Allergan and Actavis that could take this on.

You must have been absent from your law class when they discussed "relevance"! How does "I have a law degree and turned this down loser" answer the question of how do you know lay offs are coming? So, let me give you a little direction:
What factual evidence do you have that layoffs are coming?
What in the fine print states options aren't vested?

Now, depending on your answers to these questions, your ability to read, never mind practice law, will be called into question :)

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