KREG Therapeutics

I am a former sales rep for Kreg Therapeutics and I just read the various comments that have been posted about Kreg since 2012. Here is what is accurate and inaccurate

BS - Emotionally manages people, not an effective sales manager. Great for Operations, in fact unbelievable in operations
Micro Management - Yes
Training - Long and a lot to take in (however I read someone's LONG post complaining about every detail, and how he left and found something else. Winners and champions fight through to the top, if you can't take the information necessary to prepare you for what you are getting into then you simply were not a fit from the beginning. I bet you were fired, probably for something stupid like faking an injury...

Cheap Beds - Honestly, Kreg is one of the only bed companies in the game that is investing in new technology. Someone commented on Kreg getting past GPO's, well you do not need to be on a GPO when you have great tech. As for the "administrator" who had shitty beds, it's probably because your facility didn't pay their bills in over 120 days. I doubt they were even shitty beds.
Low Pay - Top reps make well over $250k... not shitting you. Top reps make great money no matter where they go.
Base pay - No idea anymore. This varies depending on background.

For all the recommendations: Global Medical, Hill-Rom. You are clearly terrible reps that cannot get your foot in the door at hospitals within your market. So you are taking a terrible approach and mocking the Kreg company while recommending your company on a site that literally doesn't help you sell. Stupid people. And if you aren't employed by Global Medical or Hill-Rom then you probably didn't get the job from Kreg OR you simply got fired. I think it will be funny when those companies fire you and you write about them.

I would recommend working for Kreg Therapeutics if you aren't afraid to challenge your intelligence and learn a lot of information to make you a dangerous salesman. Kreg wants high work ethic employee's, I don't blame him, it's how he got to where he is. Get in doors, set up meetings and demo's and CP will love you and your will love your residual commissioned paychecks.

This guy is spot on

9:04 is more or less correct. It's reps with the right mentality and belief in the product do well. If you don't know the product really, really well, there will be problems.

In response to the manager who works at Kreg....B.S is a great sales man, that is a fact. But his people management skills are horrible and him managing Operations is a joke. He has his bone head nephew managing the HQ in Chicago and I swear they both do drugs. Always high strung, very emotional and couldn't keep a good employee if they were tied to his wrist. Visited my region and spoke good to my face but learned later that he trashed me in front of the CEO. Has a fling with his travel coordinator and didn't like that my staff was more diversified. I'm still trying to figure the undertones to that one. Feel bad that he is doing shady deals behind CP back but that's the nature of the sales beast. Always talking about champions but in reality the product is so good that a monkey can show it and still make a sale. The EZ wider is the best bed in the business but the Upper management still has yet to have a firm grasp of reality that BS and PW are your weakest links. CP...from an old friend...please let the cancer go. He can drink up all the $1000 bottles he wants but not on your familys dime. Tell him to stop calling me for forecasts and "where do you see the market opening up for Kreg?".. If he was that good, BS would be working for me

καλή τύχη

In reply to last post, BS is a horrible salesman and socially awkward at best. Decent operations and manager. However, he will travel anywhere and work til he drops with little thought of work life balance and that's where his value really is.

I wouldn't call traveling to different states to cover up bad management and communication skills a "Value". There is a missing link that is either being overlooked or just straight up ignored by the owners. If the only system in place to provide more structure to a company is sending the man behind all the chaos to "fix" it.....then there is no true Value there. Why is having no social life in the medical field is sought as a good thing? Being at work all day doesn't mean you are invested into the just means that there is bad management that is taking twice as long to be effective as opposed to a good manager being clear the first time. Socially awkward is being nice. Hahaha.

I wouldn't call traveling to different states to cover up bad management and communication skills a "Value". There is a missing link that is either being overlooked or just straight up ignored by the owners. If the only system in place to provide more structure to a company is sending the man behind all the chaos to "fix" it.....then there is no true Value there. Why is having no social life in the medical field is sought as a good thing? Being at work all day doesn't mean you are invested into the just means that there is bad management that is taking twice as long to be effective as opposed to a good manager being clear the first time. Socially awkward is being nice. Hahaha.

I applaud you, so true

Almost all of them. Because when the 6 people you hired and force trained in 5 days for 10 hours a day do not perform on their first week, you of course fire them.

So that means these "Kreg idiots" are not SMART ENOUGH to know how to hire good quality people and there dolts........ yup............ dolts

Can someone share starting salary and bonus expectations? That would really help to decide if all the bs training is worth it......the training does sound gawdawful, Hopefully they’ve worked on that