She came in with her saying of “old timers are out-of-timers” and exemplified the most disrespectful behavior of any executive in the company especially to long service employees.

The phrase "Tenured Employees" was her attempt at a course correction but too late by that point.

She was really shabby to the old timers.

Maybe it refers to that freakish horse head picture that was grazing on her hair during town halls. If it faced north she was Canadian that day. If south then American. Good riddens to that cowgirl.

Bets on shobie (political executive who checks all the right boxes), joe touey (ancient artifact but would stabilize the mess left behind), or an international candidate since the last American/Canadian (depending on which way the wind blew) ruined it for everyone else. Perhaps they should hire J. Martin to conduct the search.

It will be Shobie. That will explain a lot of the recent departures. Karenann's team hated Shobie. Decks being cleared of non-believers before she takes over. She and MM were always at odds. Looks like he and the lawyer Adnrea saw the writing on the wall and got the hell out of dodge first.

Will be interesting if it is shobie. she
Seems ok but not a world class IT leader. Not sure it matters because she’s had a lot of fancy titles but tenure at every company is short. Nice plan. Come in at the title and stay long enough to put it in your resume. But not too long to really accomplish anything or get blamed when things go wrong. Yep, it will definitely be her!

Why is GSK tech delivery so bad? I have zero confidence the consumer separation will go smoothly.

  • Demand to do more with less resources.
  • Rudderless management.
  • Constant "transformation" and "future proofing" (lay offs)
  • High turnover and lack of regard for the value that experience provides.
  • Outsourcing and offshoring.