Kiss Onglyza's WHY?

Wouldn't karma be a bitch if you developed adult onset diabetes? It won't happen soon though since it will be a long time before you become an adult.

It would, and that may very well happen. But, I doubt it, and if so, the majority of diabetics can be reasonably managed with lifestyle and metformin. It's more likely I'll someday be afflicted from something else because I exercise regularly, am cautious what I eat, am at a healthy weight, and have no diabetics in my family history. Back to my point, if MOST people would follow a few simple guidelines for a healthy life, they wouldn't be in this spot. And for those who do develop diabetes, many can be reasonably managed with lifestyle and metformin. Lazy and fat does not fit in the equation. Wish me bad karma. At least I am not fat and lazy.

That's actually quite funny. Ohhh ooooh you're gonna pull the post. If you're a diabetes rep, you know it's true. Doctors talk about this every day. They're tired of hearing all the excuses from T2s. They're to the point of shrugging their shoulders and writing a script. Then the pt doesn't even want to have to pay for their meds. That's just how lazy they are. Truth hurts.....and everybody who read the post knows it. Sure there are some people who have the genetics to be T2, and that's unfortunate. The rest of us all have something genetic that will affect us sooner or later also....maybe cardio, maybe cancer, maybe ?. But we know we have to take care of light colored skin to not sunburn and get skin cancer, or take meds and be active to lessen cardio risk. This is true with every disease state, but for some reason people who smoke and are diabetic just don't think they have to follow the rules of life like the rest of us. They're just too good.

If you think a manager is going to lay people off because of this, think again. They're in it for their job and bonus too!

That's why you withhold ALL MEDICAL CARE from people who smoke or are morbidly obese! Let them all die and save the rest of us a fortune in medical bills, etc.!!!!!!!

That's why you withhold ALL MEDICAL CARE from people who smoke or are morbidly obese! Let them all die and save the rest of us a fortune in medical bills, etc.!!!!!!!

Agreed. Lets get everyone with pre-diabetes, too! They're on their way to costing us, the healthy taxpayer, a fortune. Get 'em early, I say. Cut the lazy bastards off ASAP!

You dumb fuck. You don't even know what Merck is doing - typical pharma rep. No fucking clue about your main competitor.

I can promise your dumb ass they aren't studying this group! Our data came out when they started their study. Hints the other dpp4 study that came out didn't study this group you piece of shit.

I can promise your dumb ass they aren't studying this group! Our data came out when they started their study. Hints the other dpp4 study that came out didn't study this group you piece of shit.

Hey dumbass, you really don't know nearly as much as you think you do:

The medical community is awaiting heart safety results from a large trial of Merck's $4 billion a year drug Januvia, the market leading DPP-4 inhibitor, in order to help determine if increased risk is related to the drug class or is limited to individual drugs.

Those results are expected in June.

Hey dumbass, you really don't know nearly as much as you think you do:

The medical community is awaiting heart safety results from a large trial of Merck's $4 billion a year drug Januvia, the market leading DPP-4 inhibitor, in order to help determine if increased risk is related to the drug class or is limited to individual drugs.

Those results are expected in June.

The argument is about weather they study pt's with Heart Failure with multiple risk factors. Now to confirm that you are a clueless jackass! Merck IS NOT STUDYING THIS GROUP. I had to put it in all caps for you dumb ass. Yes they will show the same results but thier study will show no risk in all-cause mortality! Why BECAUSE THEY DIDN't STUDY THIS GROUP. God what do you not get? Do you even read the post before you text? You Have to be a rep from up North!

The argument is about weather they study pt's with Heart Failure with multiple risk factors. Now to confirm that you are a clueless jackass! Merck IS NOT STUDYING THIS GROUP. I had to put it in all caps for you dumb ass. Yes they will show the same results but thier study will show no risk in all-cause mortality! Why BECAUSE THEY DIDN't STUDY THIS GROUP. God what do you not get? Do you even read the post before you text? You Have to be a rep from up North!

Hey Merck dumbass, Januvia will show this marker too in such a large study. It IS a class effect.

The argument is about weather they study pt's with Heart Failure with multiple risk factors. Now to confirm that you are a clueless jackass! Merck IS NOT STUDYING THIS GROUP. I had to put it in all caps for you dumb ass. Yes they will show the same results but thier study will show no risk in all-cause mortality! Why BECAUSE THEY DIDN't STUDY THIS GROUP. God what do you not get? Do you even read the post before you text? You Have to be a rep from up North!

Aren't you guys done there still fighting the civil war lol