Kevin's reflection on Steve Job

I hope you realize that Kevin's reflection on Steve Job' life was was dreamt up by someone PR flack in Amgen's Communications group. He or she wrote the words for Kevin -- all Kevin did -- if anything -- was approve the wording and posting.

I am sure eveything he post is done by some one else, but hopefully Steve dead bring some realization to Kevin that at the end we are all measure by what we do and not by what we take.

If KS had any decency, he would not have even mentioned Steve Jobs. In fact, he is the exact opposite of Steve Job. KS's legacy during the last 5-6 years is one of failure: failure towards his employees, failure for his shareholders, one marked by no vision whatsoever or very little of it, and definitely he did not stay hungry, quite the opposite! And there was no folly in him either ! He used the company (via the board he carries in his pocket) as a cash cow. KS is not a criminal like Angelo Mozilo, yet he still ranks very low in my esteem. I hope the Wall Street people go in front of his home to demonstrate. He is not very different from the Wall Street types, unfortunately.

I played Nintedo Sub Commander III online with KS last night....he sucks at it