Kevin's reflection on Steve Job


After reading Kevin's reflection on Steve Job, I will be very happy if Kevin imitate some of Steve behavior such as:
1-Getting pay a dollar per year
2-RETURN to shareholders
3- Innovation from inside the company for new medicines
4-Self respect and accountability for your own failure

So Kevin, just like Steve said life is short. you have enought money, no reason to keep taking this place down, after 10 years nothing to show for, do all us a favor an leave.

If KS had any decency, he would not have even mentioned Steve Jobs. In fact, he is the exact opposite of Steve Job. KS's legacy during the last 5-6 years is one of failure: failure towards his employees, failure for his shareholders, one marked by no vision whatsoever or very little of it, and definitely he did not stay hungry, quite the opposite! And there was no folly in him either ! He used the company (via the board he carries in his pocket) as a cash cow. KS is not a criminal like Angelo Mozilo, yet he still ranks very low in my esteem. I hope the Wall Street people go in front of his home to demonstrate. He is not very different from the Wall Street types, unfortunately.

If KS had any decency, he would not have even mentioned Steve Jobs. In fact, he is the exact opposite of Steve Job. KS's legacy during the last 5-6 years is one of failure: failure towards his employees, failure for his shareholders, one marked by no vision whatsoever or very little of it, and definitely he did not stay hungry, quite the opposite! And there was no folly in him either ! He used the company (via the board he carries in his pocket) as a cash cow. KS is not a criminal like Angelo Mozilo, yet he still ranks very low in my esteem. I hope the Wall Street people go in front of his home to demonstrate. He is not very different from the Wall Street types, unfortunately.

Good post. The way Kevin has treated Amgen, with the stock price going nowhere for ten years, while he dragged home millions, and the rest of the staff got stock options worth nothing, and now the layoffs announced today, is exactly what #Occupy Wall Street is all about. He is definitely like those Wall Street banksters.

If Kevin admires Steve Jobs so much, why doesn't he emulate him, take a $1 salary, and donate the rest of his compensation to eliminate some or all of the layoffs. That would be a morale booster, and would improve people's opinion of him.

He won't emulate Steve Jobs because, unlike Kevin, Steve was "committed" to his company and those who worked for it. Kevin is only committed to the lifestyle and money his position has brought him. He could care less about the people, the vision, the innovation. He knows this ship has sunk, donating his salary would just be throwing money away. Amgen is too far gone to be revived.


This is actually a good idea, if enough employees (at least a couple hundred) participate. It's atrocious that he was granted a $6 million raise earlier this year ($21 million annual salary) as a reward for all of his failures. As staff and shareholders, we need to communicate that this is not acceptable. A protest in front of B38 would be symbolically ideal, though a public intersection would ensure media coverage and that it's not immediately disbanded by Security. We could all wear goggles and lab coats to minimize the threat of retaliation.

Kevin is beyond committed to Amgen. It goes further to patients and the individuals that work at Amgen. He cares very deeply about the struggles we as a company and we as individuals are facing today. In times like these, it is easy to point fingers and blame. Kevin has been giving 150% just like all of you to try and keep Amgen the best biopharma in the industry.

Kevin is beyond committed to Amgen. It goes further to patients and the individuals that work at Amgen. He cares very deeply about the struggles we as a company and we as individuals are facing today. In times like these, it is easy to point fingers and blame. Kevin has been giving 150% just like all of you to try and keep Amgen the best biopharma in the industry.

easy to 'care' with 21 mil in the bank. may be KS should take a 1 dollar salary until the end of the year. that would show that he cares.

Kevin is beyond committed to Amgen. It goes further to patients and the individuals that work at Amgen. He cares very deeply about the struggles we as a company and we as individuals are facing today. In times like these, it is easy to point fingers and blame. Kevin has been giving 150% just like all of you to try and keep Amgen the best biopharma in the industry.

Wrong! Kevin has been TAKING 150%.

Kevin is beyond committed to Amgen. It goes further to patients and the individuals that work at Amgen. He cares very deeply about the struggles we as a company and we as individuals are facing today. In times like these, it is easy to point fingers and blame. Kevin has been giving 150% just like all of you to try and keep Amgen the best biopharma in the industry.

Kevin, get off the board.

easy to 'care' with 21 mil in the bank. may be KS should take a 1 dollar salary until the end of the year. that would show that he cares.

21 mil in the bank? Fuhgedaboutit! He makes 21 mil a year. Unless he is a real pig, he has been putting that much in the bank for 10 years.

He is not a good nor moral man.

Kevin is beyond committed to Amgen. It goes further to patients and the individuals that work at Amgen. He cares very deeply about the struggles we as a company and we as individuals are facing today. In times like these, it is easy to point fingers and blame. Kevin has been giving 150% just like all of you to try and keep Amgen the best biopharma in the industry.

It doesn't matter if Kevin cares or not actually. It's whether he has the talent, skill, and vision to lead this company to something good or great. For some, Amgen is good. Patients still get the wonderful products and many people have great lives because of their jobs.

To others, flat stock prices means the company sucks because they aren't making any money on their stock investments. Is that the only definition of "goodness" or "greatness?"

To many folks complaining, what is the struggle is the emotional environment we are all working under. There are clear and obvious bad and harmful leaders all through the company and many different levels. Staff shuffle for the massa to keep their paychecks. The company has lost it's greatness because it is no longer a fearless, let's go get 'em, work hard, play hard, put it all on the table environment. It's soul is dead.

Did Kevin develop a better company than the one he inherited? That would be my definition of "good" or "great". I answer with a no. He doesn't have the skill. Steve Jobs had vision and audacious drive to back that vision. Kevin, while he has some version of charisma, demonstrates a sense of authority, has a good level of intelligence, is not visionary nor creative enough to lead this company so that it does audacious things and staff are in love with their jobs. There are few great great leaders who could take this company and make it better than it was in it's prime. They come around only once or twice in a lifetime.

I would have loved to see what Dennis Fenton could have done.

I wish I could sit with Kevin for a few hours and talk with him.

It doesn't matter if Kevin cares or not actually. It's whether he has the talent, skill, and vision to lead this company to something good or great. For some, Amgen is good. Patients still get the wonderful products and many people have great lives because of their jobs.

To others, flat stock prices means the company sucks because they aren't making any money on their stock investments. Is that the only definition of "goodness" or "greatness?"

To many folks complaining, what is the struggle is the emotional environment we are all working under. There are clear and obvious bad and harmful leaders all through the company and many different levels. Staff shuffle for the massa to keep their paychecks. The company has lost it's greatness because it is no longer a fearless, let's go get 'em, work hard, play hard, put it all on the table environment. It's soul is dead.

Did Kevin develop a better company than the one he inherited? That would be my definition of "good" or "great". I answer with a no. He doesn't have the skill. Steve Jobs had vision and audacious drive to back that vision. Kevin, while he has some version of charisma, demonstrates a sense of authority, has a good level of intelligence, is not visionary nor creative enough to lead this company so that it does audacious things and staff are in love with their jobs. There are few great great leaders who could take this company and make it better than it was in it's prime. They come around only once or twice in a lifetime.

I would have loved to see what Dennis Fenton could have done.

I wish I could sit with Kevin for a few hours and talk with him.

well said

Definetly a big contrast against Steve Job,
One made a company very succsessful the other one has turn a successful company into crap, ut why would he cares, he is one of those people that regardless of how bad the company perform is never his fall or lack of leadership. I probably thinks that he has save the company during his 10 plus year as a CEO, the thruth is if you put shit in you have to expect shit out and nothing elses. But, like he said all the time, every patience every time.