Kevin O'Brien - National Sales Director

Are you kidding me, Kevin is not a VP secondly the franchise is bleeding cash at a tune of $5 mil per quarter. So get your facts straight before you pontificate about myths you think are facts!! PS, I know it's all for albuferon!!

What would change? If Kevin were to leave no one in upper management would care about Tyzeka, or the future of the ID/Hepatitis, or the reps who all gave up great jobs to join this team 2 years ago. Kevin still gives a shit when many would and have given up.

Hate to break the news to you but if any of those people you are referring to get placed your fearless leader would follow. Remember, the entire franchise was/is built on a product that has not been approved yet. Big risk, but I have heard that several reps have already left recently so it is only a matter of time before the inevitable comes to fruition.

What would change? If Kevin were to leave no one in upper management would care about Tyzeka, or the future of the ID/Hepatitis, or the reps who all gave up great jobs to join this team 2 years ago. Kevin still gives a shit when many would and have given up.

I thought they weeded out all those management types that cared about reps. We must be getting soft.

No ever said he was a big teddy bear, but he does care about the fact that many gave up their secure jobs to come here. Any one with common sense would be exploring other options.

Kevin and serveral other DSMs got fired at Roche for expensing a night of very expensive drinks at a strip club. The Roche security unit came to the national sales meeting in Vegas and removed them publically and without mercy.
I don't know if Jesus was there that night and if Kevin covered for him, but Jesus did often frequent strip clubs with Kevin and the other Hep DSMs at Roche.
I'm not even sure if it all went down before or after Jesus supposedly quit Roche over an arguement with his boss about airfares on his expense report.
Seems like Jesus is now taking care of his boy that took a major fall at Roche. I guess Novartis is good at giving second chances.
Hopefully they both learned to stay away from stanky and expensive poon.

Kevin and serveral other DSMs got fired at Roche for expensing a night of very expensive drinks at a strip club. The Roche security unit came to the national sales meeting in Vegas and removed them publically and without mercy.
I don't know if Jesus was there that night and if Kevin covered for him, but Jesus did often frequent strip clubs with Kevin and the other Hep DSMs at Roche.
I'm not even sure if it all went down before or after Jesus supposedly quit Roche over an arguement with his boss about airfares on his expense report.
Seems like Jesus is now taking care of his boy that took a major fall at Roche. I guess Novartis is good at giving second chances.
Hopefully they both learned to stay away from stanky and expensive poon.

Why post this, this is such OLD news!!

Kevin and serveral other DSMs got fired at Roche for expensing a night of very expensive drinks at a strip club. The Roche security unit came to the national sales meeting in Vegas and removed them publically and without mercy.
I don't know if Jesus was there that night and if Kevin covered for him, but Jesus did often frequent strip clubs with Kevin and the other Hep DSMs at Roche.
I'm not even sure if it all went down before or after Jesus supposedly quit Roche over an arguement with his boss about airfares on his expense report.
Seems like Jesus is now taking care of his boy that took a major fall at Roche. I guess Novartis is good at giving second chances.
Hopefully they both learned to stay away from stanky and expensive poon.

Heard he also was forced out of his previous company b/c he was having an affair with one of his reps.

Just let it be known that KO is a corrupt slimebag who took a bunch of former managers with his old company down the toilet with himself for going out all night to a titty bar and expensing the whole thing.
Shitty manager, shitty drug, shitty company - a good fit for all and for all of you who work there selling tyzeka (or trying to sell it hahahahahahahaha)

I don't know who KO is or tyzeka for that matter, but if I am stilll with this company after tomorrow with GOD as my witness I will join forces with them to kick your shitty little ass on a daily freakin' basis