Keep up with all the twitter buzz on Merck

i just finished my annual Merck "Trained Liar" assessment
i passed with flying colors - Yes!
they practically give you 100% due to our rich history of lying
i have to thank all of my leadership for this skill - i finished in record time
Lie after lie after lie - it never gets old
Never ever tell the truth to anyone for anything at anytime - so proud to be Merck

You mean "you're" and "let's"

Sorry, I'm a different person to the one above, but I just can't get past the idea of people criticising the professionalism of the leadership, yet can't string a paragraph together without making basic spelling errors.

Pot, kettle?
In America it is “criticizing”, not “criticising”. Having said that, I wasn’t bothered with your spelling. I am more interested in the content of the post.

These posts always make me laugh

it’s always the reps bitching and moaning about lack of strategy etc etc

I’ve been with Merck for 18 years and let me tell you directly - you reps are just the bottom of the pile when it comes to delivering our results

most of you can’t honestly say you work full on for your paycheck can you?

get over yourselves and if you find this place so terrible, simply leave for greener pastures (it will be the same for a rep wherever you go!!)

"pot, kettle" check your own spelling... criticizing.

lol. You're obviously American who thinks that your spelling is the only correct version when in fact the "s" version of "criticising" is the true form. British English, thank you.
Just saying...can't help myself - even though I know this is a distraction from the true topic.