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Keep up with all the twitter buzz on Merck

The company sucks. The real problem lies with the corporate culture. Lack of qualified personnel/management at the top of the organization who are yes men to CEO and make millions of bucks even if they bring the worse product in the market. People who knew that these products have issues however they launch them for public to make their bonuses. They layoff qualified people and they hire and promote yes men in the organization.

The company sucks. The real problem lies with the corporate culture. Lack of qualified personnel/management at the top of the organization who are yes men to CEO and make millions of bucks even if they bring the worse product in the market. People who knew that these products have issues however they launch them for public to make their bonuses. They layoff qualified people and they hire and promote yes men in the organization.

You are absolutely right...qualified personnel at Merck is a thing of the past...all they care about any longer is how they look to the stockholders, they've lost focus, leadership abilities, not to mention, caring about they're employees, they no longer care no only about they're employees, but have no clue as to how each department is running...they will continue to farm out every postition they can. The quality of Merck has deteriorated along with the lack of knowledge and no how...the board members sit on they're high thrones, making all kinds of money, with not a clue of what is going on within the company, nor do they care, long as they receive they're pay checks and bonus...it is an insult to they're employees...how dare they run this company so ineffectively...no communication what so ever...they make idiotic decissions, and have yes men running the company...the care nothing about they're customers or they're employees any longer. They have insulted and embarrassed the great business Mr. George Merck worked so hard to create.

You are absolutely right...qualified personnel at Merck is a thing of the past...all they care about any longer is how they look to the stockholders, they've lost focus, leadership abilities, not to mention, caring about they're employees, they no longer care no only about they're employees, but have no clue as to how each department is running...they will continue to farm out every postition they can. The quality of Merck has deteriorated along with the lack of knowledge and no how...the board members sit on they're high thrones, making all kinds of money, with not a clue of what is going on within the company, nor do they care, long as they receive they're pay checks and bonus...it is an insult to they're employees...how dare they run this company so ineffectively...no communication what so ever...they make idiotic decissions, and have yes men running the company...the care nothing about they're customers or they're employees any longer. They have insulted and embarrassed the great business Mr. George Merck worked so hard to create.

The way they run the company is apparently not as idiotic as your grammar. It is "their", not "they're". It is "know how" not "no how". It is “whatsoever”, not “what so ever”. If you are going to blast people, perhaps you should try to appear intelligent yourself before doing so.

I am not defending upper management, but how do you expect things to change when you represent yourself so poorly?

The way they run the company is apparently not as idiotic as your grammar. It is "their", not "they're". It is "know how" not "no how". It is “whatsoever”, not “what so ever”. If you are going to blast people, perhaps you should try to appear intelligent yourself before doing so.

I am not defending upper management, but how do you expect things to change when you represent yourself so poorly?

Lighten up, I believe everyone gets the point this poster was making.
talk about attitude
your a perfect example
lets go forward with discussion and leave the spelling police at home.
there are more important issues to discuss here

Lighten up, I believe everyone gets the point this poster was making.
talk about attitude
your a perfect example
lets go forward with discussion and leave the spelling police at home.
there are more important issues to discuss here

You mean "you're" and "let's"

Sorry, I'm a different person to the one above, but I just can't get past the idea of people criticising the professionalism of the leadership, yet can't string a paragraph together without making basic spelling errors.

Pot, kettle?

I see that nothing has changed at Mother Merck!!! Miracle the place is still functioning!!!

For the most part what has been shared in this exchange has been true for more than a decade. The question is what do each one of us have control over? During my many years at Merck, I heard and expressed many of the concerns cited here. All I could do would be to represent the products within the confines of the circular and my ethical perspective. Most folks in field sales at Merck did the same then and do the same today. Hold your job because it is not easy out in the "I am looking for work" world where you are valued even less.

"During my many years at Merck"

I love it when sales folks, working in the field, state that they "worked at the company for many years", as opposed to "working for the company"......I worked "at Merck", as in clinical research in Rahway, for 5.5 years. It was far and away the most scientific, ethical and meritocrical (Ok, made up word) company I worked with over my 25 years in drug development, and now that I'm in biotech Merck is by far the company with whom I would love to partner our programs.

OK, I get it - the life in pharma detailing is much tougher than in past years, with (likely) inflated sales goals for incentive pay/bonuses/commissions, so I understand the reason for all the bitching on this site. Honestly. But please don't think that you really "know" the culture of an entire company from how you may be treated in sales/detailing. I'm not defending how you may be treated, just saying it's kind of like the blind men examining the elephant, and all you know is the trunk.......

Merck reported on Monday that its third-quarter profit plunged 35 percent because of competition from generic drugs, lower sales of its top-selling medicine, and restructuring and acquisition charges.

The results still beat Wall Street’s profit expectations, but the drug maker sharply lowered its forecast for the full year.

Generic competition continues to weigh on Merck’s asthma and allergy pill, Singulair, cutting sales 53 percent, to $280 million. The drug brought in $5.5 billion each year until its patent expired in August 2012 and cheap copycat versions flooded the market.

You mean "you're" and "let's"

Sorry, I'm a different person to the one above, but I just can't get past the idea of people criticising the professionalism of the leadership, yet can't string a paragraph together without making basic spelling errors.

Pot, kettle?

"pot, kettle" check your own spelling... criticizing.

Lighten up, I believe everyone gets the point this poster was making.
talk about attitude
your a perfect example
lets go forward with discussion and leave the spelling police at home.
there are more important issues to discuss here

Children calm down and take your seats. The bickering is immature.

Let's face it. Company is in trouble. Some workers this is a stepping stone. Can tell by the small minded comments. Others a career. If you are working the system the gravy train eventually catches you.

We all agree management needs change. Or we all are looking for Obamacare.

"During my many years at Merck"

I love it when sales folks, working in the field, state that they "worked at the company for many years", as opposed to "working for the company"......I worked "at Merck", as in clinical research in Rahway, for 5.5 years. It was far and away the most scientific, ethical and meritocrical (Ok, made up word) company I worked with over my 25 years in drug development, and now that I'm in biotech Merck is by far the company with whom I would love to partner our programs.

OK, I get it - the life in pharma detailing is much tougher than in past years, with (likely) inflated sales goals for incentive pay/bonuses/commissions, so I understand the reason for all the bitching on this site. Honestly. But please don't think that you really "know" the culture of an entire company from how you may be treated in sales/detailing. I'm not defending how you may be treated, just saying it's kind of like the blind men examining the elephant, and all you know is the trunk.......

Are you sure it was 5.5 years and not 5.52 or maybe you overstated your postion and it was 4.957642 ? After all, Grammar and poorcision is the most impotant thing on this foum, correctamundo ?

So glad to have gotten out....as bad as it was, it is getting so much worse with the clueless leaders (Colleen and Jan), the cancerous leaders (Patrick) and the rest of the ass kissing directors. The only way there will not be a huge gutting of vaccines after Jacques leaves is if the MV reps actually out perform the CSO that is coming in. If the CSO delivers better results, it will out Colleen, Jan and their puppets on the defensive.

Good luck to you all and get out when you can!

Ken Frazier does not care about the people who work for this company....who built this company. His job is to make the Wall Street numbers look good and keep the streak of profitable quarters alive. I hope he realizes the morale problem this company has and will have as long as he is CEO. All senior management now view people as a number and this will take years to change this environment around. No wonder people are avoiding this company for employment. Look at the surveys conducted internally and you will see the turmoil this company has throughout the organization.

Ken Frazier does not care about the people who work for this company....who built this company. His job is to make the Wall Street numbers look good and keep the streak of profitable quarters alive. I hope he realizes the morale problem this company has and will have as long as he is CEO. All senior management now view people as a number and this will take years to change this environment around. No wonder people are avoiding this company for employment. Look at the surveys conducted internally and you will see the turmoil this company has throughout the organization.

Nailed it. Frazier is delivering short term results through cost cutting and managing risk (that's what lawyers do). Only problem, this model is contrary to growth and is not sustainable. If you are under 45 years old, get out now.