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Mrs onion breath is all set to prove the naysayers wrong
Yes soon shitzen will make an appearance in the carefully crafted monolog 10k of the great accomplishments growing Life, to spectacular new beginning after unloading the drag of the lab. The utopia that is life sciences in only one year, has become a beacon of hope and promises. The dredge, Habibi,also left the company in the muddy waters from which the god of beauty and the leprechaun of cash emerges.

Yes soon shitzen will make an appearance in the carefully crafted monolog 10k of the great accomplishments growing Life, to spectacular new beginning after unloading the drag of the lab. The utopia that is life sciences in only one year, has become a beacon of hope and promises. The dredge, Habibi,also left the company in the muddy waters from which the god of beauty and the leprechaun of cash emerges.
Anyday now, the sun will be shining on the new sleek, energetic, trim, life sciences company, having cut the loss leader lab and now is rounding the corner of new patents, new products, manufacturing excellence and unbelievably aggressive growth

Yes soon shitzen will make an appearance in the carefully crafted monolog 10k of the great accomplishments growing Life, to spectacular new beginning after unloading the drag of the lab. The utopia that is life sciences in only one year, has become a beacon of hope and promises. The dredge, Habibi,also left the company in the muddy waters from which the god of beauty and the leprechaun of cash emerges.
The Queen of mean has a big problem. How much longer will the BOD allow her to run the company into the ground? Never a good sign when a Board member resigns. Look out below as the stock will retreat below a buck.

The Queen of mean has a big problem. How much longer will the BOD allow her to run the company into the ground? Never a good sign when a Board member resigns. Look out below as the stock will retreat below a buck.
The BOD can dial it up from 10 to 11, announce the friends and family sale, Gregory?
Who be on Q4 call, fumfur in chief, CFO?. No-one again? Why are they hiding?

And yes, a global sales meeting in London. I’m sure the agenda will be chock full useless presentations
A complete waste of precious capital which is shrinking by the day. The new Sales Director is a joke, everyone knows this will be his secondary job as he continues to run his coaching gig day to day..