Hello to all!
I just wanted to take a serious minute to let everybody know the deep rooted issue that lies before us! I have had history with both Perry and Kathy Kobe, Flemming from a previous company. What was funny was that they were in the same roll at Novartis. Their terrible reputation goes back a ways. Overall, I will not be the last to tell you that bausch & Lomb on the whole has had a bad reputation in the eye biz for years. Even my key physicians know this. You have to really know someone important to get somewhere here. I truly feel bad for minortites who make the mistake of working for these people. i've been through 5 managers, watch B& L take a very well promoted high end device and single handedly bring sells down!
Whats interesting is that no one can figure out how they manage to screw themselves and lose good people, sales and support from once dedicated physicians to back our product. This so-called new direction is the same ole shit printed another way! I'm glad I'm gone from this shit company!