With all the back and forth on inconsequential points this wins btw...
"by far the most damaging indictment of R, is him being on the BOD(I did not know that), which means he knew, or should have known, what the issues he would be inheriting were and to have a plan to fix them. I assume that's how he talked his way into the job..."Look I'm the guy for the job...I have watched M's failings and missteps and I know how to fix them, and how to usher Karyopharm into its next phase".
If he didn't know, he lacks vision, and if he did know then he lacks the talent and ability to fix them...either way he has been a terrible denying that."
He became CEO May 2021. The FDA rejected the Siendo p53 subgroup February 2022. So he didn’t exactly know everything at the time he was on the board and before becoming CEO. Since the FDA commented, this company has been working on Siendo 2 and burning more cash because of it.