Karyopharm - oncology

The company is valued at about 650 after today. The drug will do around around 100 million with the expanded MM label. It only takes a couple a** hole physicians to add it in to grow even modestly when the drug has under performed. So yeah with a bean counter to wring excess costs and 15 times revenue I think this company could get 1.5 billion and get rid of this piece of shit with some result with long term shareholders to get close to break even.

This aged well.

Merge with ADCT and have a big reunion. 1 shit company + 1 shit company = a shit future


Only idiots, fools and/or the incompetent are still here or are still bag holders. Stupid is as stupid does. I almost feel sorry for the minions who still have hope! Hope is not a f***ing strategy!

Only difference the previous companies were/are too big to fail and he wasn’t in a role that had that much influence.

Small start ups will expose you, if you are not competent. Nowhere to hide. He got deeply exposed as being incompetent, lacking the knowledge, experience and expertise to be a CEO. His failure, and hence Karyophram’s, should come as no surprise.

This the beginning of the end.

Only difference the previous companies were/are too big to fail and he wasn’t in a role that had that much influence.

Small start ups will expose you, if you are not competent. Nowhere to hide. He got deeply exposed as being incompetent, lacking the knowledge, experience and expertise to be a CEO. His failure, and hence Karyophram’s, should come as no surprise.

This the beginning of the end.

Little dickie doesn’t have the skills to run a Tim Horton franchise in Alberta…