Karyopharm - oncology

I guess the moral of the story is if you’re going to be an arrogant prick you should probably try to generate a positive result every once in a while. You know, just to keep up appearances

How does it make YOU feel to have a hard on for Richard and just keep writing and talking smack like you’re some courageous balls behind a key board impotent a hole? Keep whacking it

How does it make YOU feel to have a hard on for Richard and just keep writing and talking smack like you’re some courageous balls behind a key board impotent a hole? Keep whacking it

While it is weird that DDD is this active on Karyopharm, unfortunately he makes a lot of valid points the R has not addressed.

Look this is R’s first CEO and S’s first CCO role…probably not the smartest picks to save a company from failure…that lands squarely on the BOD. Take a look at both of their LinkedIn profiles…nothing impressive about either of their backgrounds nor deserving of the roles they are in. One cannot separate our failures since their arrival from them. They are complicit at the very least and squarely responsible at the most.

I like the person on here who thinks all the critical posts are from DDD. It must be fun to be that delusional.

That’s not what I was saying. DDD is writing open letters on Reddit, and posting a lot about Karyophram on his Twitter feed, that’s what I was referring to. I have no doubts that the posts on here are from many different people.

Revenue flatlining, alliances in tatters, no clear strategy to move company forward, corporate governance pretty much nonexistent. The company is basically uninvestable.
What would you expect from the clown show? Just a bunch of sheep following the puppet master! But don’t worry, free lunches for all the minions. And nothing to see here except for the village idiots; from the top to the bottom. Only fools continue to stay here.

Are SC and RP doin it?

And Chang got fired from Arrowhead and Paulson fired from Ipsen

Both were terrible hires...SC should be in an analytics role as she as zero leadership, strategic thinking or interpersonal skills - get her as far away as you can from commercial and people as she is clueless at both. All her "ideas" are basic, tired/old, big pharma philosophies that she heard along her way that she just regurgitates. Nothing original or innovative, ever.

RP has always been a fraud. He does fool people...a lot. I guess that's a skill that has paid him millions of dollars for no return.