Karyopharm - oncology

It has been karyocrazy for a long time, even before ODAC. Unfortunately with constant changes in MSL, marketing, management, sales force, leadership coupled with a pandemic, it’s a mess lacking direction and support.

The whole company sucks...terrible culture, weak/scared leadership, drug that doesn't really work any better than what's already established. It's a mess and we are in no better place that we were with MK and PM and that wasn't good either...we just added a green micromanager head of commercial who has the backing of our narcissistic, figurehead, do nothing, first time CEO...the fun is just getting started. Amgen EAST here we come!

Ever get the feeling that RP acts like a 26-year-old who’s never actually been in a position to manage people before?

That’s because he hasn’t. He is, however a master at getting jobs above his skill set, staying in them just long enough to say he did the job, but never really accountable for the results and then he moves on within 18-24 months. He can play ‘climb the ladder’ with the best of them and he is world class at making the jobs he has sound far bigger and important than they were.

That’s because he hasn’t. He is, however a master at getting jobs above his skill set, staying in them just long enough to say he did the job, but never really accountable for the results and then he moves on within 18-24 months. He can play ‘climb the ladder’ with the best of them and he is world class at making the jobs he has sound far bigger and important than they were.

Well, he was forced out at Ipsen after putting a match to things there.