Well, for one to be this bitter and willing to go on the attack, something or someone has likely hurt you. People don’t usually spend time character assassinating others or trying to cost people their careers unless they’ve suffered in some way. If that’s the case, might I suggest you try to use some emotional intelligence and ask for help? If your numbers are it, ask how a collaborative partner can help you. If your manager is riding you, either do as asked or call HR for guidance. If you can validate these people your attacking are “fabricating” things or not doing what you’ve asked for help with, schedule a call and discuss it like an adult. We all work for a company that makes medicines that millions need. It takes an army. Why don’t you try utilizing every source you have vs putting more work on yourself? Has it ever occurred to you that without policy you may have no funding? Without Hospital Reps now it’s been handed to the TBMs and KAMs. Did you need more work? Have you ever worked a healthcare system? Without KAMs the TBMs will need to take on IDNs, and criminal justice including state prison systems? Without FRMs now the TBMs have been handed more work. The TBM role is one of the hardest and most important roles in this space. Having done it, I know it’s a Mother Load. Personally, I valued all the help and expertise I could get. Check yourselves. Figure out the sourse of your hatred and seek solutions that ultimately will deliver our medications to more. If you think you’re Superman or Superwoman and can do it all yourself, post your name. I want to meet you.