Surely Corporate has to know what a useless waste this position is. PLEASE eliminate them and put the money towards something that actually helps generate sales.

yes, like stupid sales aid “validations” and forced practice challenges on Alks2go, taking us out of the field and not being in front of customers...kind of like the KAMS.

But to the lucky ones who endure this ridiculous, 90’s big pharma strategy the best, you will be rewarded with...more role plays, this time in front of senior management! I mean, a cold water enema wasn’t available as a reward?

Could senior management be any more clueless?

I appreciate the concept of trying to put a creative spin on “validation”. It may have been more appropriate to use this format during quarantine, not when territories are changing and restrictions are easing.

The KAMs I know are good people and they were good TBMs. They made a mistake moving into the KAM role, though. We have too many and the KAM leadership doesn't want to admit it. Instead, they lean on the KAMs to deliver questionable metrics and force them to sell the role to prove the size & value of the team. It's not PC or AH's fault...they fell into it, too. For them it's career survival. The size and scope of the team were developed higher up...that's where the change needs to happen. And eventually it will.

So before you rag on your KAM, understand the situation they're in...they're caught between the real world (you guys) and protecting their career\providing for their family. Would you be any different?

I promise you they'd really rather being selling and helping you out versus creating BS presentations they know are BS. But that's what they gotta do.

Former KAM

If the KAMs are so great, why do they always say “we don’t discuss or engage in any clinical customer conversation because it’s not our job, that’s for rep’s to do”. We don’t need KAMs as they don’t bring any value to any conversation. They are nothing but a very expensive liability.

If the KAMs are so great, why do they always say “we don’t discuss or engage in any clinical customer conversation because it’s not our job, that’s for rep’s to do”. We don’t need KAMs as they don’t bring any value to any conversation. They are nothing but a very expensive liability.

We as in the reps or we as in your clinical customers? Read the surveys.

IDNs want more KAMs. They aren’t requesting more TBMs
This is true. Except they’re not requesting a particular title. They want, and research has shown for some time, that health systems, hospitals, etc want one person from each company to manage their entire account, like it used to be. Not a TBM, an FRM, a KAM, a HBM, and another TBM for your companies other drug(s), one person calling on their corporate office and another calling on their clinics or treatment centers, etc. I still can’t believe how stupid the FRM idea and KAM expansion was, and that we went forward with it eve after Robinson left.

I appreciate the “former Kam” post above. I get it. No ill will towards my KAM. But it doesn’t change the fact that that the role is pretty much useless and adds work to my plate by trying to get me to set stuff up for therm. I’d imagine they all realize this and are looking to get out.

The KAM we are stuck with has told our team numerous times that they will not discuss anything clinical as that is not their job and ours. Must be nice to have a job without any accountability. Fire the entire KAM team and invest the savings for the future of our company.

The KAM we are stuck with has told our team numerous times that they will not discuss anything clinical as that is not their job and ours. Must be nice to have a job without any accountability. Fire the entire KAM team and invest the savings for the future of our company.

Pehaps you should be replaced, likely an underperformer hiding and posting midday during a work week.

Actually a multiple trip winner who knows KAMs are users and losers looking to latch onto any success. Our team has turned our backs on our KAM and avoid any contact or what we are doing so they can’t try and swoop in it at the last minute to claim victory when they did nothing. FIRE THE KAM TEAM!

The KAMs I know are good people and they were good TBMs. They made a mistake moving into the KAM role, though. We have too many and the KAM leadership doesn't want to admit it. Instead, they lean on the KAMs to deliver questionable metrics and force them to sell the role to prove the size & value of the team. It's not PC or AH's fault...they fell into it, too. For them it's career survival. The size and scope of the team were developed higher up...that's where the change needs to happen. And eventually it will.

So before you rag on your KAM, understand the situation they're in...they're caught between the real world (you guys) and protecting their career\providing for their family. Would you be any different?

I promise you they'd really rather being selling and helping you out versus creating BS presentations they know are BS. But that's what they gotta do.

Former KAM

This is true. Except they’re not requesting a particular title. They want, and research has shown for some time, that health systems, hospitals, etc want one person from each company to manage their entire account, like it used to be. Not a TBM, an FRM, a KAM, a HBM, and another TBM for your companies other drug(s), one person calling on their corporate office and another calling on their clinics or treatment centers, etc. I still can’t believe how stupid the FRM idea and KAM expansion was, and that we went forward with it eve after Robinson left.

I appreciate the “former Kam” post above. I get it. No ill will towards my KAM. But it doesn’t change the fact that that the role is pretty much useless and adds work to my plate by trying to get me to set stuff up for therm. I’d imagine they all realize this and are looking to get out.
KAMs aren't looking to get out. Easiest job in the company! Make stuff up and get full bonus because they aren't tied to sales for bonus in any way. Some were given over $60k sign on bonuses. Can u believe that? Absurd. Absolutely absurd.

KAMS are just GA playing with VC and stickholders money. Our new activist investors will see the real truth behind the KAM position soon enough and they will go the way of the FRMS and the hospital team and GA will be tossed out by his ear for either hiding the malfeasance or being too dense to see it. Wake up Greg!! AH and PC are pulling one over on you and unfortunately the buck stops with you. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya (in a couple of months).