Justice Roberts deals Donnie and his disgusting supporters ANOTHER smackdown!


Sides with the liberals in striking down Louisiana abortion restrictions !

ANYTHING that triggers the obese orange bob or his pathetic disgusting life loser white nationalist supporters is something that puts a YUGE smile on my face.

Sparky - you just keep LOSING ! And as an oldie song goes - “you ain’t seen nothing yet ! “
Trump and his DEPLORABLE supporters will be crying for a long long time.



Sides with the liberals in striking down Louisiana abortion restrictions !

ANYTHING that triggers the obese orange bob or his pathetic disgusting life loser white nationalist supporters is something that puts a YUGE smile on my face.

Sparky - you just keep LOSING ! And as an oldie song goes - “you ain’t seen nothing yet ! “
Trump and his DEPLORABLE supporters will be crying for a long long time.


He's an honest man, it was 'settled law'. ;)

Sides with the liberals in striking down Louisiana abortion restrictions !

ANYTHING that triggers the obese orange bob or his pathetic disgusting life loser white nationalist supporters is something that puts a YUGE smile on my face.

Sparky - you just keep LOSING ! And as an oldie song goes - “you ain’t seen nothing yet ! “
Trump and his DEPLORABLE supporters will be crying for a long long time.

All he did was further undermine the legitimacy of the Court. This will result in trouble for ALL of us eventually. You’re the kind of fool that thinks he’s winning because he has a good hand of cards on the Titanic as it’s taking on water, so smile away, just as clueless fools always do.

Wrong on both counts! ;)
It’s not law at all, that’s the core of the problem. :p

We have a Supreme Court. They decide legality as situations fluctuate. It is settled law whether you like it or not. We realize you want rapists to be allowed to father their progeny and disregard the lives of the innocent women they impregnated against their will. The rest of us have more regard for the innocent lives of the women who were involuntarily impregnated. Perhaps you'd prefer to live in the middle east where woman are treated like animals. ;)
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All he did was further undermine the legitimacy of the Court. This will result in trouble for ALL of us eventually. You’re the kind of fool that thinks he’s winning because he has a good hand of cards on the Titanic as it’s taking on water, so smile away, just as clueless fools always do.
No I’m winning because you lost. Anytime white nationalism and Stone Age loser mandates, monuments etc are struck down is a fantastic day! Get used to losing, asshole. Because it’s going to keep happening to you.

Let the populace vote where statues exist. If they vote them down, move them.
Oh the IRONY! Oh your idiotic HYPOCRISY!
So voting by the people is good enough to determine the fate of statues but not marriage policy as in Prop 8 in your beloved Cali? Hahahahahahahahaha!
you can’t get out of your own way! :p:D;)

Oh the IRONY! Oh your idiotic HYPOCRISY!
So voting by the people is good enough to determine the fate of statues but not marriage policy as in Prop 8 in your beloved Cali? Hahahahahahahahaha!
you can’t get out of your own way! :p:D;)

That was a 'proposition' in an off year. A major weakness in California's political system that needs to be corrected. In this case it was. Our marriage policy now reflects the will of the majority not just a few crackpots who collect enough signatures at a gun show to get their personal homophobic issue on a ballot that few bother to show up for. ;)

That was a 'proposition' in an off year. A major weakness in California's political system that needs to be corrected. In this case it was. Our marriage policy now reflects the will of the majority not just a few crackpots who collect enough signatures at a gun show to get their personal homophobic issue on a ballot that few bother to show up for. ;)

You nailed it nicely - thank you and nice to see another Californian here. ;)

Keep LOSING, asshole!
You ignorant jackass, we ALL lose when policy for this nation can be determined by 5 unelected people with lifetime appointments, you just don’t care at the moment cause you’re getting your demented way but this is the very definition of oligarchical tyranny. The Court has NO Legitimate power to slap down a president - Trump or anyone else! But the problem for you is that more and more people see the truth and the court is rapidly destroying its credibility. Change is coming. They are the Supreme Court, NOT the Supreme branch of government. Trump will likely do what Lincoln did to the court and ignore their opinion when it comes to setting Policy since that’s all it is. It’s not law.

You ignorant jackass, we ALL lose when policy for this nation can be determined by 5 unelected people with lifetime appointments, you just don’t care at the moment cause you’re getting your demented way but this is the very definition of oligarchical tyranny. The Court has NO Legitimate power to slap down a president - Trump or anyone else! But the problem for you is that more and more people see the truth and the court is rapidly destroying its credibility. Change is coming. They are the Supreme Court, NOT the Supreme branch of government. Trump will likely do what Lincoln did to the court and ignore their opinion when it comes to setting Policy since that’s all it is. It’s not law.

It's settled law Bozo..……….

You ignorant jackass, we ALL lose when policy for this nation can be determined by 5 unelected people with lifetime appointments, you just don’t care at the moment cause you’re getting your demented way but this is the very definition of oligarchical tyranny. The Court has NO Legitimate power to slap down a president - Trump or anyone else! But the problem for you is that more and more people see the truth and the court is rapidly destroying its credibility. Change is coming. They are the Supreme Court, NOT the Supreme branch of government. Trump will likely do what Lincoln did to the court and ignore their opinion when it comes to setting Policy since that’s all it is. It’s not law.
So I guess you’re not a big fan of that whole “checks and balances” concept, eh sparky?