Just when you think it can't get any worse

Rather than continue spewing your impotent rage here, why don't you find another job? Senior management has never and will never care about you unless you are on HS's "High Potential" list. I don't mean to sound overly harsh, but look for your last shred of dignity and move on.

Just got a new job! Can't wait to give my notice. Sometimes one just has to spew though!!

Thanks for letting us know - because we are as interested in your announcement as we are in your posts! Not that we didn't all know who you are.... But it sure be fun to have it confirmed by your departure! Adios Clown Bro!

Thanks for letting us know - because we are as interested in your announcement as we are in your posts! Not that we didn't all know who you are.... But it sure be fun to have it confirmed by your departure! Adios Clown Bro!

You have no idea who I am because I don't even work there anymore. Just like getting you all riled up! Haha!