Dear Arrogant Idiot,
You clearly have no first hand knowledge of today's modern military, as you spew venomous generalities seen in reliable sites like the Daily Kos.
The military is structured, but very definitely not executed by "well-conditioned automatons". You make references to "situation-specific manner" and yet fail to grasp what our brave, intelligent 19 year olds have to do to sort out threats while fighting an asymmetric war.
Do you have any idea what level of intelligence, decision-making, and technical proficiency it takes to operate a M1A1 Abrams tank? Do you think that the level of intelligence and proficiency of these brave people has ANY COMPARISON AT ALL to "practice detailing"?
Do you have any idea what level of intelligence, decision-making, and technical proficiency it takes to operate a Network Operations Center? Do you think that the level of intelligence and proficiency of these brave people has ANY COMPARISON AT ALL to "practice detailing"?
Finally, it is obvious that you have no sales experience outside of the joke known as pharma, as your screed is filled with meaningless buzzwords with no relevance to real sales.
I have NO DOUBT that I could take a random sample of junior NCOs from all branches, put them in band 4 positions in this stupid company, and have better results than we have today from a sales, ethics, intelligence, resilience, and culture perspective.
I rue the day that I involved myself in this miserable industry, populated with so many clueless, arrogant people like you.