Just got the call

Is it more lucrative to get the severence package or your Q4 commissions? Especially since they are trying to get us to pay back money from SS and Prineo. Either way we are screwed by staying with this company long term but I think serverence might be the way to go. Have they stated what we will receive as a "bonus" for our optimizer bs we had to do?

What makes you think you will have a choice? There is no Q4 if you are severenced, you would only get October (assuming Dec is worse), sign for the Enhanced Severence if you have some years with the co. This will likely mean a non-compete clause. Might have a lawyer look at this before you sign it.

You have to talk to an attorney about your state law on noncompetes. In CA they are not enforceable. In some states they are not enforceable if you have been laid off. You also may not violate a noncompete if you are in different accounts in the same geography or if it has been 12 months since you have been in that geography.

You have to talk to an attorney about your state law on noncompetes. In CA they are not enforceable. In some states they are not enforceable if you have been laid off. You also may not violate a noncompete if you are in different accounts in the same geography or if it has been 12 months since you have been in that geography.
Most will not hold up if you are laid off or fired. Many have additional rules for example must have been signed at least 2 weeks prior to start date etc.. You can call state employment agency to get free info on non-competes. They will even send nasty letters to the company for no charge if they ever try to enforce.

It almost seems ludicrous that we will be asked to sign noncompetes. The whole premise of this downsize is that business is controlled by contracts to the company no longer needs as many reps. How can they then say reps control the business by trying to enforce a noncompete?

Most will not hold up if you are laid off or fired. Many have additional rules for example must have been signed at least 2 weeks prior to start date etc.. You can call state employment agency to get free info on non-competes. They will even send nasty letters to the company for no charge if they ever try to enforce.

The noncompete that you sign in return for enhanced severance is subject to New Jersey Law not your home state.

The noncompete that you sign in return for enhanced severance is subject to New Jersey Law not your home state.


Non-compete laws do vary from state to state. The relevant laws are the laws for which ever state the court proceedings are being handled in. Ethicon would probably love to hold proceedings in NJ as the laws are more favorable towards enforcing a non-compete. However, this is not practical as they would need to physically serve you paperwork while you were in NJ.

Because of the impracticallity of this, these suits are almost always pursued in the state in which the rep resides. Obviously, because this is where the plaintiff (JnJ) is able to serve you.

There are tons of threads on CP from reps who have went through this.

What is all this talk about competes and NJ and laywers? Why don't you people just find a weblink for lawyer NJ stuff and print it on there instead? It's really confusing for us when we are sharing relevant information about catering and parties. That's why this webspace is called Cafecooks.com. If it's not cooking or parties or crafting then please stay of of this weblink.



P.S. The chicken salad with the halved grapes was to die for!!!!!! Does anyone have a good eggbake recipe??

I saw one a little while back in Southern Living. I think you can search their recipes on line. If not, let me know and I will see if I've still got the issue handy. Thank you for the laugh today!

What is all this talk about competes and NJ and laywers? Why don't you people just find a weblink for lawyer NJ stuff and print it on there instead? It's really confusing for us when we are sharing relevant information about catering and parties. That's why this webspace is called Cafecooks.com. If it's not cooking or parties or crafting then please stay of of this weblink.



P.S. The chicken salad with the halved grapes was to die for!!!!!! Does anyone have a good eggbake recipe??

ok you two dykes. i have had enough of your horseshit. its not fun and its not funny. its almost as dumb as the cool guy who keeps asking "how cool is this going to be"? probably the same guy who says "arse"" insted of ass. pussy.

ok you two dykes. i have had enough of your horseshit. its not fun and its not funny. its almost as dumb as the cool guy who keeps asking "how cool is this going to be"? probably the same guy who says "arse"" insted of ass. pussy.

Quite proud of my pussy. And it is funny cause if I wasn't laughing threw this shit right now, I'd be crying. Another week of not sleeping, eating or getting a darn thing done cause at this point, what's the use. So excuse us ladies for trying to redirect onto something not so freaking negative.

ok you two dykes. i have had enough of your horseshit. its not fun and its not funny. its almost as dumb as the cool guy who keeps asking "how cool is this going to be"? probably the same guy who says "arse"" insted of ass. pussy.

Just chill. I agree- they're annoying, but everyone is dealing with the stress differently. We are all on the same side- just want this shit to be over with. Why they are dragging it out til Thursday, I don't understand.

And Kip, your explanation of taking away comp from displaced reps doesn't fly with me. Securestrap was sold under the agreement of sales vs quota. To change it after the close of business is unethical, no matter how you try to spin it. The displaced reps have no ability to affect sales in December so they should be paid as agreed. Salt on the wounds. You have to look at yourself in the mirror. Karma.

Does anyone know if sd's know already the rep placement?

I think they do. Why wouldn't they? We were told before, if your current SD was displaced, they would still have input on rep placement. That tells me they know- and played a role in placement. I think they'll try to push it off on HR- but my gut tells me they had at least partial responsibility for placement.

SDs were HEAVILY involved in what reps stay/go..however, after they made recommendations, it went to HR for final decisions. The SDs will not know names until Wednesday. Same thing last week..the SDs did not find out which DMs were retained until the day before they were announced.