Just got my Medicines offer...

The reason why there are no counter offers to people leaving could be a sign of being sold to another company

Or maybe there are no people leaving that they want to retain? Also, why is there so much complaining on this board and threats of leaving yet only a couple have left? The answer is because those are the ones that WANT to stay. People that intend on leaving don't complain, they don't have to. They just leave. It's those that either want to stay or lack the courage to take a chance on a risky company that choose to stay and complain. Me, I see that things that are indeed moving in the right direction and think that Cubist is taking steps to address many of the valid complaints that are out there. No, I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid, just expressing my opinion.

If we indeed lose a bunch of CBMs or other employees this week, then we deserve it and shame on us for not making use of the greatest retention tool ever, the stock option. Yes, I was offered a position at the Medicines Company and didn't like the future prospects. Getting stuck in the gram + MRSA market is not good forward thinking, the market is getting saturated and after this wave of hiring for MRSA reps it's going to get real quiet. As far as the anti-infective market goes, moving forward it's going to be all about the gram negatives in the future. We should expect another round of poaching next year when Actavis gets approval for Ceftazidime-Avibactam and leaving now for the Medicines Company or Durata would not do anything for me. Say what you want about the gram- training modules, for me I see it as a good thing. I want to get some gram-negative experience in my repertoire with Cubist and then I'm outta here to the highest bidder next year. Cubist, you want planning? That's my plan

Cubist had daptomycin - and its profile is outstanding - not all products are created equal. and soon will have the leading gram negative.

Sure will and good luck trying to juggle 5 products and make your 40K in bonus....15% will be for Entereg and most likely you won't even talk about that one cause you simply don't have time, so you'll lose 15% right there off the top of your 40K...Then there's the whacky quota setting for Dificid where nobody seems to be making their number and they agreed to pay out on that one starting at 70% but if TC had his way all 5 would have to be to goal before you got a penny of any bonus...I don't really feel like busting my ass for a company that isnt ready to pay us...Too many people sold 9M of Cubicin and didnt make a penny of bonus compared to a territory that sold just 4M of Cubicin who hit their number....It's unobtainable now...We have sold Cubicin for over 12 years. One drug, you hit your number and you got 40K...today? Now they're asking us to sell 5, which is 5 times the workload and stress but no increase in bonus or payout...Still 40K. Does that make any sense to you cube heads who are living in denial?

Sure will and good luck trying to juggle 5 products and make your 40K in bonus....15% will be for Entereg and most likely you won't even talk about that one cause you simply don't have time, so you'll lose 15% right there off the top of your 40K...Then there's the whacky quota setting for Dificid where nobody seems to be making their number and they agreed to pay out on that one starting at 70% but if TC had his way all 5 would have to be to goal before you got a penny of any bonus...I don't really feel like busting my ass for a company that isnt ready to pay us...Too many people sold 9M of Cubicin and didnt make a penny of bonus compared to a territory that sold just 4M of Cubicin who hit their number....It's unobtainable now...We have sold Cubicin for over 12 years. One drug, you hit your number and you got 40K...today? Now they're asking us to sell 5, which is 5 times the workload and stress but no increase in bonus or payout...Still 40K. Does that make any sense to you cube heads who are living in denial?

I totally agree. Were all losing money, yet that people up at home office are making a mint on their options and bonuses. Im so tired of Rob, Greg, tony lecturing us on what 'PRIVILAGE' it is to be here. BS. You haven't given the sales force anything. You even ran our Eric Kimble, best guy in the world!!!!!! Greg, give up, no one like or even respects you anymore!!! All of you clowns sitting around and patting each other on the back for " a job well done", when the reality is WE DID IT ALL!!! with no help from any of you and your BS marketing pieces. Sure, i sold 9mm of dapto once the dapto marketing team provided me with the really cool pop up tents???? Are you kidding me? then you all have the balls to act like you saved us.

I totally agree. Were all losing money, yet that people up at home office are making a mint on their options and bonuses. Im so tired of Rob, Greg, tony lecturing us on what 'PRIVILAGE' it is to be here. BS. You haven't given the sales force anything. You even ran our Eric Kimble, best guy in the world!!!!!! Greg, give up, no one like or even respects you anymore!!! All of you clowns sitting around and patting each other on the back for " a job well done", when the reality is WE DID IT ALL!!! with no help from any of you and your BS marketing pieces. Sure, i sold 9mm of dapto once the dapto marketing team provided me with the really cool pop up tents???? Are you kidding me? then you all have the balls to act like you saved us.

I just listened to Tony's web cast hey Tony why don't you roll play before you have a web cast?
I counted 73 ums & ahs wow!! Greg cash some stock & send your boy to Toastmasters please.

People will be pouring out of cube ass soon. About 25 are going and they are not all bums. Some of the top people are going to TMC. Greg and Tony could care less. Thin the herds before the place is sold. The pricks in the office want their $ and now is the perfect time. Tony has crap for options so he is just the short term bitch executing for Stea, Bonny & Perez. He will be out on his ass again within 10 months.

How did that work out for you?

And it was a good one. Can't wait to send over my resignation to my manager.

Just when I was giving up hope... out of the sky falls The Medicines Company and a big-time offer. They actually had me name my offer. Then they signed off on it. No BS. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what just happened!

Adios, amigos!

PS My top 3 infusion suites are ready to make the switch. aka, Relationship selling, bitches!

you mean being sold. it sucks. all looking except those that are too lazy and our bonus is pretty weak


you mean got a huge raise but the product doesnt sell so little bonus and or now i was fired or now sell something totally different which was launched 10 years too late.

Keep hearing rumblings of current Cubist/Merck folks who are "considering" The Medicines Company offers and openings.

Don't do it, folks. Save yourself a lot of pain and go elsewhere.

Former Cubie