Just got an offer! YES!

[B]And as for the dolt that keeps asking the list of 8 questions trying to identify me; wake up dumb ass.I answered 1 of them. I start Monday (tomorrow). All of my training materials have already arrived, they are delivering my company car in the morning etc.

I'm the dumbass? You are the one that took this nowhere job with this nowhere company and then post here for what, to gloat? You are a pathetic weasel. Go away you ultra maroon.... you bore me.

I obviously got the job and you didn't. Sorry if I bore you (not really) so I'll stop posting. Got to go to the bank to deposit my PAYCHECK !! Something YOU obviously don't have to spend any time doing.
Go get a job asshole. I did!at inVentiv. A good one!

I obviously got the job and you didn't. Sorry if I bore you (not really) so I'll stop posting. Got to go to the bank to deposit my PAYCHECK !! Something YOU obviously don't have to spend any time doing.
Go get a job asshole. I did!at inVentiv. A good one!

dont blow that big paycheck in one trip to walmart, make it last.

From being laid off and unemployed, to representing a good company in a good territory at $77.5K plus bonus, car, benefits, etc. And exactly what is stupid about that?

YOU ARE SOOOOOOO FULL OF SHIT, $77.5k MY ASS. We know this company dipshit, they don't pay their managers 77K.. Fk'ing moron, dream on....

I obviously got the job and you didn't. Sorry if I bore you (not really) so I'll stop posting. Got to go to the bank to deposit my PAYCHECK !! Something YOU obviously don't have to spend any time doing.
Go get a job asshole. I did!at inVentiv. A good one!

LETS REVIEW. This lying piece of shit posts on Sunday 4/17 that he just got an offer. On 4/26 posts that he/she has to go deposit a paycheck. So we all are to believe that in a weeks time, you accepted the position, took your piss test (which you probably should be concerned about) and then got paid on a non-pay week. Right....